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trying times
Guidance has had me write a lot about the tens of thousands of
excuses people have for not doing what they came here to do. trust me, I\'ve heard nearly all of them. But above and beyond all of them the way this desire \'not to do\' manifests itself is in the language people use, like this from Diana: \"So this is where I am right now, trying to stop and just be.\" Using the word \'try\' is setting yourself up to fail so you really don\'t then have to do whatever it was you said you were going to try to do. Women particularly need to use I WILL statements because, what else, it strengthens the will to do something, the mail or mind side of their beings that needs to be there to help balance heart and to resolutely get something done. As said before many times, women have a thousand and one ways of not being concrete -- of not sayiong \'yes\' or \'no\', and this is why so few of them get to be all they could be in this time when they are so needed to step up and lead. Since day one, Guidance has shown me so much of all this lies in the language we use, the power of the Sound tempered with the Light, the two major principles or pillars in Creation. Change your language and you will change your attitudes and the way you live your life. It is the best place to begin, just like the \'I thought\'lesson from the other day. When Guidance began having me do healing work the greatest asset I took with me into the healing room was the ability to listen for everything you really need to know about a person\'s health is there in their language. all the secrets of the New World Order puzzle I have had to work on over the past dozen years were also manifested in and through the language they used. The power of the sacred sounds of the laphgabet constructing words and phrases and sentences was fully shown to me when i began using those sounds to do sound encoding which has the ability to change the whole basic nature of a person\'s energy form. Listen to what and how you say things, then begin to change those things that aren\'t congruent with a truly spiritually powerful being, and you will find out what ascensiona nd spiritual warriorship is truly all about. In service, Peter 2008-08-02 |