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Alien Abduction and Dream War Technology
Alien Abduction and Dream War Technology
by Peter Farley and Andre Gonzatti Rather than at Dulce, NM, as so much has been written about in the disinformation circles, the true alien underground research base is located in the San Luis Valley of southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. The research base is on a 4th dimensional frequency, though there is another facility intimately connected to a physical one as well. The nature of research and development in the San Luis Valley base is bringing about more ways to control how people sleep and what they do while they leave their bodies during sleep. As people are reached, then they are implanted with new methods that now allow them to be further manipulated through their thoughts during the day. These methods are far more effective than what has been researched and used through satellite radiowave transmitting to manipulate human group consciousness until now. These dream and thought implants will help enslave more souls, not only to create programmed thinking during the day, but to work at night as well, to enslave people. The dreams will also be a great loss to people because they will lose a major part of their experience while they are implanted and controlled during sleep time. Many are already implanted in this form from long ago. This new technology allows for greater and farther reaching operations. For example, it will now be easier to `get' people not only in the U.S., but also in Australia where they also have established underground facilities, as well as dream monitoring facilities. With old technology they were able to implant and control some people, but only to the level of bringing them to places and forcing them to work. Now they are able to take them from one dream and manipulate not only their presence, but also how they will behave in an entirely new way, due to wave-form manipulation and the new ability to fully implant "memories" in situ - they will now be allocated to a certain scenario and hold in mind a new program which will "remind" them of the role they are to play during that dream. Like hatching a robot and having the program ready in its memory, the people now receive instantaneous "jobs" during their visit to sleep realms. This also allows them to somehow trap people in dreams and make them officially dead when needed, or to put them into a coma, and later on changing them into other bodies altogether, through reincarnational technology to swap bodies and whatnot. The only way people would usually have to protect themselves against these methods would be through the use of guardian services by familiar spirits, or to construct energy forms to keep the bodies and umbilical thread (link of soul to body during travels) secured and connected to soul in order to transmit what the individual has programmed him or herself to do before sleep. The person is then allowed to gather enough strength to resist the manipulation and lessening of their vibration to the level where the slave areas are located. . . (Through Aristenna of the Spiritual Hierarchies Council of Light) While this sounds very much like something out of a Nightmare on Elm Street movie, one only has to experience the moment-to-moment ability of these dark forces to use infinite methods for implanting the individual both during the day and any time at night (see my article on Tori' Story and how she was implanted in the group files section: ). A recent History Channel program on the `gray agenda' tries to slough off the whole alien abduction phenomena as a dream state phenomena and they perhaps don't realize how true this is for dreams are simply multidimensional experiences of life as Erica experienced while in the San Luis Valley working on researching this underground facility: "Last night, in the middle of a dream I was having. It was a bright room with a lot of people I seemed to know. It was dark outside, and people were looking for others they knew. Lauren (a friend) was in the dream. All of a sudden I was made aware of an implant, one I used to have in the uterus, one that had been taken out earlier in the day by energy healers. Someone, or group, wanted to put it back inside of me. They made it so I couldn't move my body, couldn't pick up my arms, couldn't speak. I was very scared, wondering what was going on, and if I had really been abducted in the past and hadn't been aware of it. They showed me a flashback (I think) of the kind of alien you see on keychains, the ones with the triangular-shaped head and huge beady eyes. He was staring at me with no emotion but a lot of curiosity it seemed. "I was laying on a table looking up at him, and he was doing some sort of finishing touch on an operation, sewing something up. I was extremely scared after this flashback, even though it only lasted a few seconds. After that my body started feeling hot and buzzing and they were trying to take me. I tried to yell out for Peter but couldn't speak. I resisted a lot, and then was able to move and to speak. I woke up. "When I went back to sleep about an hour later, the same thing happened and they came disguised as various people: my boss, a big group of boys, a man in the hot springs saying: "let me heal you". Each time I resisted and each time they tried harder to take me and implant me again." Erica's experience was very, very real, as most people who have recollection of their abduction will attest. Abductees I have worked with before say that as many as 50 percent of the population has been abducted and similarly implanted in this way. The figure can be going much higher even as we speak. Everyone is implanted in some way, either from this lifetime or previous ones since this has been an ongoing war for many many lifetimes and what we are now experiencing is simply, and hopefully, the final stages, the grand battle for all of Creation. 2005-10-04 |