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Another Time And An Inner Place Pt 2
Another Time And An Inner Place Pt 2
By Peter Farley The end of the Mayan calendar in 2012/2013 represents a crossroads in Time where some will go one way and others another, depending upon their choices. It is also the end of time as we know it. A friend wrote to me a while ago to fill me in on what was going on in her life at the time, and the changes she was encountering, many of which might seem familiar to us all right now: "In this time there seems to be many changes and shifts, both in focus and in process. I hope that you will find your way through in KNOWING. Although there are many things going on in my life right now, I do not think that any are out of the Father's Hand, simply a closing of this past time and a shifting to the future. Usually this time of transition has a few bumps in the process and this time is no exception . . . This time is simply built of extreme change and the development of readiness to begin the times coming. I suppose the worst part of this time is the trying to make today as the past rather than allowing today to be as it is - neither the past nor the future. It is always a pleasure to hear from you, Peter . . . You are going to find your way through because you have had all the lessons. The understandings you have been given will, if you allow them to come to you, bring you where you need to be. I wish you well in your future and know that eventually, when this time is over, we will all meet again in the Father. My new life will be starting soon and from the moment it begins, the life I have lived here will be ended. This means, as I understand it, that nothing I have endured in this time will ever happen again and that those who were here to grow with me and who have chosen their way will not be part of my new life. I have mixed feelings about this, but I see the future shining brightly. ". . . This time is an ending/beginning for all of us. The past 14 years of working, learning and growing is ending and the new beginning will be a clean break from all that I have known in the past. There will be no past in my future. This means both places and the people who have occupied them. I give to you a promise that just as you will be striving to grow and be prepared for this time, so shall I. I also promise you that the future is of the Father and that there is nothing that will stop the changes coming, for the ending of the Darkness here is inevitable. I look forward to that time. I wish you the very best. The Light to guide you is always present and visible if you but choose to look. Kathy " A statement my guidance has given me that has helped me understand the difference between time in our dimension and time in the higher spiritual realms is "Time is everything, and time is nothing." Everything in our realm because it is what we do with this time that creates our choices for the future. Time is nothing in Their realm, for even though time does move a lot slower in the ascending realms or dimensions, in the highest levels, time and even the concept of eternity do not really exist. What Kathy once had occurring in her life, also seems to be happening in mine ? all those with whom I have created karma with in past lives seem to have been led to me in this one to `work it out' or `let it go' so I can then move on into the new paradigm taking no baggage along with me. This is possible for all of us right now, within this time of transition, but the work MUST be done and the INTENT must made to rid ourselves of all that is of the old understanding. Time also cannot be mentioned without some mention of place, and much has been written these days about 'the Inner Earth.' In beginning to write this work, my guidance preferred to call it "an Inner Place" because, although it is underneath the normal crust of the planet, it does not comprise the interior of the earth itself as people would think of with works such as Journey to the Center of the Earth as their ideal. Since beginning this work, the stories of an Inner Earth have always been somewhat negated by my guidance, however there has been a lot of discussion about portals and entry ways into an inner place, some of which somehow related to that mysterious place in France called Rennes-le-Chateau, and to "the Hollow Earth." The clues have been tantalizing. The understanding I have been given, the experiences I have had since first writing this piece, and the clues throughout the book now become clearer. That is that there is a maze of underground bases on the planet that stem from the time of Atlantis, with certain entrance and exit points, many of which are marked by pyramids and temple or sacred sites. Some of these entryways are 'under water,' which makes sense of UFOs seen disappearing into oceans and harbors around the world. These bases are, for the most part, interconnected and now very heavily utilized by the New World Order for their own purposes, as they once were used for storage and transfer of items such as the Visigoth treasure. They also act as underground bases, or like the one discussed in the book with regard to the South Polar region, as underground operations centers. This underground system utilizes many of the gas-pocket caves our wrinkled earth crust contains, described by Commander X in one of his many compilations. It is possible to utilize this underground system to move beyond continental boundaries. Just as in Wells' The Time Machine where the Morlocks have adapted themselves to underground living as a protection against events taking place on the surface, there are also underground "aliens"? though guidance prefers to call them `Beings", some of whom have been experienced and written about during paranormal investigations. Some have had contact with surface humans, and yes, some just like the Morlocks, have been known to eat humans. 2006-09-29 |