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Atlantis Pt 3: The Final Destruction
Atlantis?Holding Up a Mirror
by Peter Farley Part 3: The Final Destruction In the rise, fall, and final destruction of Atlantis, there are indeed many parallels with our own culture. There are also many warnings inherent in the information that comes through the Nine and through Cayce about the use of technology as well as on the use and misuse of power. Much of this information will come to light in the next few years through the discoveries to be made in Egypt where records of Atlantis were stored for future generations to learn from. These seemingly harmless records may not be so harmless though, and everyone waiting for their revelations may not be so interested once they find out what they contain?as we shall find out. Cayce mentions these records in a couple of life readings: ". . . there were evidences and prophecies of Atlantis being broken up, and Egypt was chosen as one of those places where the records of that activity were to be established" (no. 275-38, January 16, 1934). ". . . for the entity was in charge of those records when the last peoples of Atlantis journeyed to the various quarters of the globe" (no. 378-13, August 14, 1933). The most evident parallels between their culture and our own are that both cultures developed a high level of technical society, both were world powers, and both were plagued with racial or social problems. Both also developed weaponry that, if misused, could not only destroy their own country but much of the planet as well. Both were also heavily involved with experimentation on affecting the climate of the world. One might say that both, also, never learned from the mistakes they made but kept on going despite the obvious warning signals. Other similarities will be noticed as we further detail the final destruction of the continent, and the technology which helped bring this ending about. In Atlantis, the worst happened?not once, but on three separate occasions, the last resulting in the final destruction and sinking of the civilization entirely. It is little wonder that many of Cayce's life readings that spoke of Atlantean incarnations were filled with warnings to individuals about the misuse of their abilities. Individuals who had misused their talents once before might easily follow the path of least resistance and misuse them once again. In judging these events, it might be helpful to remember Kryon's warning that we are our own ancestors. The influx of people or migration into Atlantis might be seen as another parallel. According to Cayce's psychic data, the upper classes of the Atlantean race looked like modern people, but they used these migrants, the less developed "things," as servants and for experimentation. If for no other reason, this fact alone might suggest the presence of the New World Order in Atlantis, or at least strong connections to its roots, for the arrogance of power and the wealthy?the Illuminati--are very similar in both. In Egypt, the Atlantean survivors considered the majority of the local people no higher than "menial" in physiological development and their culture and technical stance extremely backward, just as they had on their own continent. This helped set up a tradition of slavery in both Egypt and many of the surrounding countries as well, a tradition that still persists today in many parts of Africa, and was the root of the slave trade coming to the New World. Clow remembers this phase in one of her past life excursions: "There were other Beings on other levels of mentality. Some of them were savages and primitives on the earth. They lived in Africa, Brazil, China, in modern-day language. We bothered them, which was really not fair. We didn't do that to help them." The final portion of Atlantis, the island that Plato called Poseidonis, contrary to popular belief, was destroyed in the biblical Flood, the Great Deluge that occurred around 9,000 BC. Two of the catastrophes that occurred to help bring Atlantis to destruction were man-made. The first was through the misuse of nuclear technology and the second through the misuse of crystal and merkaba technology. The two that were ?naturally caused' were due to the biblical Flood and the other was due to simple volcanic activity from the natural processes of Earth's crust cooling. Our modern culture is filled with deep reminisces of the Atlantis. Much of this can be seen in the new and expanding medium for the preservation of such deep-seated knowledge?the movies. Science, however, labels it science-fiction for fear that they will lose their power if we begin to take such myths and legends seriously. The destruction of Superman's home planet, Krypton, in the Superman series of comic books and movies, is one such example of a cultural memory of Atlantis resurfacing after the destruction of Maldek, although it has happened to many other civilizations and on many other planets as well. As with the fictional planet Krypton, when Atlantis was destroyed many understood that the end was coming, as is always the case at the end of a cycle. The Atlanteans were adept at experiencing many levels beyond the "physical" which was at that time more 4th dimensional. Since they had attained total control over their astral bodies during their civilization, they made sure they could get through into the future if they so desired. All they needed was to establish a place or places on the planet which they could tie into in order to be able to influence world affairs and still control the power bases on the planet?these were the portals and ancient sacred sites over which so many new temples and religious structures have been built. This is where the temple technology and crystal technology they had acquired from their home planets became so useful. 2006-11-28 |