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critical mass a final wake-up call
CRITICAL MASS – A Final Wake-Up Call
PART 1 by Peter Farley with Channeling by Andre Gonzatti 09/22/2005 Dear Peter, We are here to talk to you about what you asked of us, our place in the Hierarchy and the Job we have come to develop on planet Earth. Thank you for asking us about our share of what we have to say. Thanks for helping André get to where he is, and for all your hard work, it never ends. Our role in the Hierarchy is one to watch over the level of consciousness on planets and to intervene, when it comes to critically low levels, by changing the situation so that Light flows once again, no matter how drastic the changes have to be. The following is for people who will wake up and act NOW! Time runs short as you read this: All who read this message have the Spiritual Level of Development to understand and receive these words, and must know that hiding changes nothing, that it is time to stop running away and face the fact that Things are tremendously out of place and demand so much work to be mended. And, the work must be done now, not later, not tomorrow. Now is the time, and later will only come when it is already too late. This is not Star Wars. Star Wars is far less than a partial showing of what is indeed going on. The universe is obviously large, and no movie could give a full blown demonstration of it in two or even 20 hours. Open your sight up to see how things really are. Any attempts to close your eyes are because of fear to take in what you can do to change the Planet you live on before it is permanently lost. When everything went wrong a few thousand years ago on the planet we were first in line to demand intervention so that mankind would be given a chance to change its ways back into its original \"tracks\". Failure to solve the situation has been the frequent outcome. Now we face a bunch of lazy people too scared to connect again with their True Selves and understand they have to be true to who they really are, now or never. This is not a shame; it is simply a very predictable outcome to the many types of seduction used by our opposition, the so called New World Order of darkness installed here on Planet Earth. So now, what do we have to do? The number of workers is very small, but it is a fact that everyone wants to help, even if it\'s buried deep down in their hearts. Although the vast majority of people are scared to even get out of bed everyday, they still feel unhappy with their behavior, and with how they let it all come to this. So, there we have it, the will to work, the only piece missing is the courage to turn off the TV/computer game and jump into action. The need to do so is great, and everyone is invited to act, on whatever level They are able to begin with. Again we remind you that delays mean failure and results varying from certain enslavement to death. Action is needed NOW. Reconnecting to CREATION is the first step. It MUST be done. Those who choose not to reconnect will have to be removed from the planet. And if not enough people reconnect, the planet will literally blow up in self-destruction. You can be on only one side of the fence! The fence will fade and if you deny picking your side, you will be automatically on the dark side, sitting in the mud while they come to destroy you and everything that opposes their control. They will have been allowed to succeed in getting you distracted, and attached to ephemeral pleasures, while they do take action to consolidate rule and spread more limitation and pain to the Universe. Remember: What you grow attached to will only bring you pain and take away your freedom to change and to walk. Time is moving faster, you can all feel it. Earth is a Titanic. A building that is about to collapse any moment, right before your eyes. The channelings you read mean nothing unless you get up and alert as many families as you can, so that you can get the building reformed before it is too deteriorated, and collapses. If enough people wake up and act their role, it won\'t collapse. But if there is less than Critical Consciousness... it will ruin. The ones who are reconnected will be headed away to a place of Light, even to work more if they choose to. The ones who die in their sleep will be relocated to another experience, still on the dense and dark levels of 3D, until they give up attachment to staying in the comfortable warm bed of doom they lay upon. The collapse of Earth\'s \"buildings\" will cause more destruction and awe than any caused by the fall of the World Trade Center. They were orchestrated in the same way, and have both a symbolic meaning to how darkness will create and destroy people, lives, and anything else it fashions. The time to rise up and act is NOW! What does taking action mean? It means this: 1. Realizing that reality is more than what is shown on TV: The common vision taught in school is an illusion, a deception; all the religions and morality taught by father to son are a self propagating enslavement system - made to limit your true Spiritual Selves; made to make sure you are \"good sheep\" and give up your Infinite Power to the dark masters that rule the planet. 2. Realizing things are NOT the way they are supposed to be. Unless you work to change things to how you KNOW they have to be, you are letting yourself sink on something artificial, and it\'s NOT your true nature. Your true nature is and has always been to serve as one with Creation. Everything else taught on mainstream media is plain misleading and meant to disable your Infinite Divine Power. Stop relying on others to come save you; you are the Savior this time. Superman is an illusion, he will never come. Your presidents will NOT save you, they are NOT there to serve you - they are there to RULE over you. 3. Take responsibility for WHO YOU REALLY ARE! Now that you have woken up, COMMAND that you are connected to your Highest Level of Guidance, and develop that connection until you are able to clearly hear and see what the way to do things is. Unless you get the highest you will get only darkness. There has never been limited guidance for beings that serve The Light. The True Workers of Creation are of Infinite nature because of their connection to Creation. 4. Develop the connection to the Highest so that you work on the Highest Level only. After you COMMAND that you receive the Highest Level of Information, begin practicing by writing down what you receive, free of any judgment, so that the message is allowed to come free of any limitation from present ego/self will. After writing comes channeling the energy and then speaking The Light as a message to others. This is the Enlightenment needed now: That the Information flows from Creation to men and women who are here and now... 5. After reconnecting, and hearing Creation speak to you, you are to surrender and act as One with it. There is no half way to do it, there is no half term. There is either self will, or CREATION\'S WILL. Those who are separated from the Source of Divinity within them are to be reconnected immediately or all will be in vain for them. You are to help others realize they can reconnect NOW, and help them do it, whether it\'s by talking to them, writing them, showing them or even beating them. If they choose not to, then they are lost by their own choice and you are to move on to others who will take the opportunity to RECONNECT AND SERVE. It is the path of Light, and the only one available to Light Workers who wish to return to the source of Light from which they came. This is the nature of choice. You are either with the Light, or you are closing the window for yourself, and choosing to remain in the limited darkness of self-will and self destruction over time. There is no way to argue against this, sitting while others destroy your house is no display of freedom. The only way for darkness to spread is for good men to do nothing. 6. With Surrender, see that you are nothing short of a Divine Being. Release attachment to all self limitation and to everything you fear losing. Those feelings are to be released at once. The only way to be Free to live and serve is to lose attachment and by releasing concern for judgment of self and others. Judgment of others as right or wrong creates no solution; it only brings more of the heavy fear energy. Judgment programming is made to keep people in fear of being themselves because of what others will think about them, and because they think it is somehow \"wrong\" or \"shameful\". People will only live in True Freedom when they can be themselves – WITHOUT FEAR OF HOW OTHERS WILL JUDGE THEM, of what others will think about what they do. Fear of outside- and self-judgment must be released. Surrender means being true to your true Divine Self, the Highest and True Self. It is different from self will in the way that is free from limitation, and will always be true no matter where, when and how others will react to it. It is Love and Light in pure form, free from distortion into lesser ways to manifest itself. Help others realize what they are, so they heal back into their freedom. Show them and if they say no, move on to others who will rise up to Their Divinity and heal the Planet\'s situation. . . The True Seekers will find you!! 7. Being less than GOD is THE BIGGEST LIE EVER TO BE IMPLANTED ON THE HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS. It covers the world like a dark blanket to keep people in their sleep. People embraced this lie as a truth, and gave away their free will to the dark liar who is supposedly the only one connected to god, and that this god is the only way to salvation. In their view it is a crime to wake up and BE THE FREE GOD. The only way \"taught\" is to be docile and obey, as a slave, or be outcast into hell. The truth is that embracing this is the true path to hell. Hell is limitation in itself, it has only a ceiling, there is no bottom, and you can only fall further. This is the religion program. There has been declared a \"king\" of the world, and all are to follow or be ultimately doomed, without arguing. The church declared the king, and collects his taxes. What is religion but Earth\'s EUPHEMISM for ENSLAVEMENT! An anesthesia and an excuse to do nothing... People take things without resistance and are slaves to someone else\'s ego and self will. People embrace this even while they want to fight, knowing that it\'s negative, and that it\'s judgmental at its core, that it limits them and others. It\'s so simple and plain easy that any child can perceive it, but still they take the easier path and embrace it. There you go. You have the Earth on a constant edge of nuclear war; the world population living in fear of each other because they follow different \"gods\", fear of the governors \"elected\" by themselves, and fear of suffering more \"natural\" disasters. Separation from Creation/GOD energy is an illusion that must be undone, otherwise hell on Earth is the only thing left, and chosen. It is important to understand this and with others, who can also understand, reverse the situation NOW. There is little time, but there is still time. You are born free. How can you let others enslave you and your Family? Your whole planet!? How can you let others shape your mind, how you think, what you do?? How can you choose to be worried and judge others instead of acting as a free agent of Creation?! How can you give away your free will and obey lesser beings with their false light and their definitions of what is right and what is wrong?? Good and bad are as much mind control as anything else. It is the main purpose of judgment, to define what is good and what is bad . . .TO STEAL YOUR FREEDOM FROM YOU! Worrying will only bring fear and freeze you where you are! Act and let Creation do the rest. Leave the past in the past and the future will come to you. What you must do is act with what you know you have to do right here and right now . . in the PRESENT! Leave all false and limiting ideas behind. Dropping them is the only way to do something now while there is time. Letting this situation progress to worse is the same as sealing a coffin. The only way to make things work again is to have enough of the planet to see this before darkness has complete dominion over Earth. The New World Order seeks to control every aspect of your life to a level that will not allow you to choose being different. They will steal what is left of your freedom if you let them. AND THEY WILL DO IT TOMORROW IF YOU LET THEM!!! Being aware is the first step, but ONLY the first step. Unless you all work to change it, there will be no way to take further steps. They will have closed you in a prison cell of \"American Freedom\" and have you work to feed their extravagant lifestyle while this Planet is destroyed. You are the rescue! You are the Angels that came to save the World! WAKE UP ANGELIC BEINGS AND GET TO WORK NOW!!! This attachment that you have to your lives is what keeps you from changing and being true! Lose attachment to your self imposed limitations and ALLOW YOURSELVES TO CHANGE AND SERVE! You have the will and you hear the call, not is the time to ACT!!! Stop lying and trying to be lost while you waste your time living a lie!!! Reconnect to your Highest Level Guidance, unfold and act NOW. You are one with US and we Demand that you take responsibility now, unless you wish to let go of your rank and assignment. We need things done now, not tomorrow, tomorrow is already too late. You must wake up, and know that to do anything else is pretending to be pleased with this walk to the grave Jesus made for your soul. With great Love and wishing that you answer this final wake up call, ARISTENNA from The Spiritual Hierarchy\'s Council of The Light Critical Spiritual Mass A Final Wake-Up Call Part 2 A Corrupted Peace Movement by Peter Farley (with help from others) Sitting here listening to the speeches from the `Peace March\' on Washington and looking at the energy forms of the leaders of the various movements associated with it, as well as asking questions of the Spiritual Hierarchy, I am made very aware of the intricacy and complexity of what the New World Order has created on planet Earth to keep people enslaved. I am reminded of Voltaire\'s old statement that `if God did not exist it would be necessary [for Mankind] to create him.\' If there is no opposition, no other side to the system in place, then the Hegelian equation of pitting one side against another to gain a third central agenda, cannot possibly work. Therefore, if there is no opposition to George Bush and the government, if there is no `peace movement\', then it is necessary for the New World Order to create one; if not create, then at least sponsor or control one. Virtually every speaker at the Washington gathering was of this `darkside\' agenda, only expressing half truths in order to draw people in and placate them that they are in fact doing something meaningful, when in truth they are only catering to the New World\'s Order\'s agenda for further world and Universal domination. Much has been written about how the major environmental and social organizations of the 1960s were taken over during the 1970s by infiltrating a new corrupted leadership into the groups or by exerting financial pressures since funding of these organizations has always NOT been supported by those who should be more involved. Once again it comes down to what Kurt Vonnegut says in his new book, A Man Without a Country: \"We could have saved the planet but we were too cheap and too lazy.\" Antony Sutton (America\'s Secret Establishment: An introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones, Trine Day Walterville, OR 2002 ) gives us the best example of this method of controlling Mankind in his description of The Skull and Bones Order and how it has taken control of worldwide systems by using this very method. This method is widely attributed to Hegel but again, in truth, it is an old Freemasonic/Templar technique similar to the Machiavellian idea of divide and conquer --of pitting two sides against each other to further their own third, unheralded objective. Hegelianism glorifies the State. In Hegelian Statism, as in Naziism and Marxism, the State is supreme, and the individual exists only to serve the State. The U.S. two-party Republican-Democrat system is simply a reflection of this Hegelianism and becoming more evidently so. In this case, the New World Order, actually a very small elitist group—by using the ideas attributed to Hegel and Machiavelli—can and have manipulated the control of society for its own destructive purposes. An easy example of this concept is how the Skull and Bones became a major force in the drug smuggling business (primarily through The Order families of Bush and Prescott in the 1860s). In true Hegelian fashion, The Order also generated its other side as well (the antithesis), the so-called \"war on drugs\". This hypocritical policy thereby maintains the price of drugs, controls supply, and puts millions in jail while the gainers, in great part, are none other than the same \"Bonesmen\" who pass the laws to prohibit it (Bonesman, Taft, 1904). This pitting of Right against Left is a most effective control device. For Hegelians, the State is almighty, seen as the `March of God on Earth\" (an attitude becoming more and more evident in President Bush\'s (Skull and Bones member 1968) attitude of making Christianity the undeclared U.S. State religion. Progress in the Hegelian State is through contrived conflict: the clash of opposites makes for progress. If you can control the opposites, you dominate the nature of the outcome. Start a war in Iraq and an opposition will form which will keep people\'s eyes off The Order\'s true agenda. Control the leadership of the peace movement and one controls both sides of the conflict in order to keep the outcome certain. Critical Spiritual Mass Part 3 The Lie of Conspiracies by Peter Farley (with help from others) \"What we have here is a failure to communicate . . \" Boss, Cool Hand Luke \"It would be so damn easy just to give people what they want . . . \" Peter Farley Conspiracy theorist is a label synonymous with nut. And why shouldn\'t it be with everything that happens being turned into a conspiracy theory by those so gullible as to eat up every baited hook hung out by the true conspiracy in a successful attempt to weaken the position of those trying to get across the depth and details of the true nature of the conspiracy. From Fox News: Out There: Man-Made Hurricanes? Wednesday, September 21, 2005 \"Global warming? Act of God? Nope, says one Idaho weatherman — Hurricane Katrina was part of a man-made plot against America. \"Scott Stevens, a meteorologist who for nine years has been forecasting the weather on KPVI-TV (search) in Pocatello, says the Yakuza — the Japanese mafia — is using a Russian-made electromagnetic generator to launch terrific storms against the U.S. mainland. \"The devastation of New Orleans was in revenge for the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Stevens explains on his Web site. He says it will soon be used again against another major American city . . .\" Yes, there is HAARP ( and all types of weather changing weapons based on both alien and Tesla technology. Yes, there are on an almost daily basis the chemtrails sprayed overhead to stagnate our DNA. Yes, there is a 40,000-50,000 year old conspiracy to take over planet Earth and fully control the energies of every living thing upon the planet. And yes, there is an attempt by these powers of darkness to infiltrate their self-will and power-craving madness into the rest of Creation. But NOT EVERYTHING is directly created by the NWO to forward their agenda. And why should they when they have all these dupes and ploys to blame them for everything and make the scenario almost impossible to believe. In an article I wrote many years ago (Little Green Men: The Cover-up Continues about my experiences with the UFO Museum in Roswell, NM, elaborates on the absolute blindness of many people involved with the alien community to even perceive the notion that UFOs are a coverup for something far far bigger and more sinister than any Lone Ranger could even conceive. Being a journalist, having taught journalism at a University level, I know that the greatest way to control the flow of news to the public is to not `censor\' the news coming out of the media, but to not cover certain topics so they are not even perceived by the regular media-consuming but lazy news viewer. By covering only one or two news items, by slanting even the news delivered on the History Channel, people are lulled into a false sense of what is real and what is not. The Matrix is created and supported by these very people\'s beliefs. Coming from a foreign country and dealing with foreign news sources, I know how the rest of the world laughs at Americans for the blinders they wear in terms of how they view the news. Unfortunately, these other countries have had no greater success in filtering out what is true and what is not since every government on planet Earth is now a part of the global conspiracy known as the New World Order. An excellent example of this method of `censorship\' is every year Project Censored makes a list of the 25 biggest stories ignored or undercovered by mainstream media. Project Censored is based at Sonoma State University, with both faculty and students involved in its preparation. Of course, the stories are not actually \"censored\" by any authority, but they do not receive enough attention to enter the public\'s consciousness. As reported by Molly Ivins, these are the top 10 from this year\'s (2005) list: \"The No. 1 pick by Project Censored this year should more than make the media blink: Bush Administration Moves to Eliminate Open Government. \"This administration has drastically changed the rules on Freedom of Information Act requests; has changed laws that restrict public access to federal records, mostly by expanding the national security classification; operates in secret under the Patriot Act; and consistently refuses to provide information to Congress and the Government Accountability Office. The cumulative effect is horrifying. \"No. 2: Iraq Coverage. Faulted for failure to report the results of the two battles for Fallujah and the civilian death toll. \"No. 3: Distorted Election Coverage. Faulting the study that caused most of the corporate media to dismiss the discrepancy between exit polls and the vote tally; and the still-contentious question of whether the vote in Ohio needed closer examination. \"No. 4: Surveillance Society Quietly Moves In. It\'s a seep and creep story, where the cumulative effect should send us all shrieking into the streets — the Patriot Act, the quiet resurrection of the Matrix program, the Real ID Act. \"No. 5: United States Uses Tsunami to Military Advantage in Southeast Asia. Oops. Ugh. \"No. 6: The Real Oil for Food Scam. The oil-for-food story was rotten with political motives from the beginning — the right used it to belabor the United Nations. The part that got little attention here was the extent to which we, the United States, were part of the scam. Harper\'s magazine deserves credit for its December 2004 story, \"The UN is Us: Exposing Saddam Hussein\'s Silent Partner.\" \"No. 7: Journalists Face Unprecedented Dangers to Life and Livelihood. That a lot of journalists are getting killed in Iraq is indisputable. However, Project Censored honors stories about military policies that could improve the situation of those journalists who risk their lives. \"No. 8: Iraqi Farmers Threatened by Bremer\'s Mandates. It\'s part of the untold story of the disastrous effort to make Iraq into a neocon\'s free-market dream. Order 81 issued by Paul Bremer \"made it illegal for Iraqi farmers to reuse seeds harvested from new varieties registered under the law.\" Iraqi farmers were forced away from traditional methods to a system of patented seeds, where they can\'t grow crops without paying a licensing fee to an American corporation. \"No. 9: Iran\'s New Oil Trade System Challenges U.S. Currency. The effects of Iran\'s switching from dollars to euros in oil trading. \"No. 10: Mountaintop Removal Threatens Ecosystem and Economy. A classic case of a story not unreported but underreported — a practice so environmentally irresponsible it makes your hair hurt to think about it. Most journalists manage to find a quibble or two with Project Censored\'s list every year, says Ivins, but mostly we just stand there and nod, yep, missed that one, and that one and… According to Ivins, the wonderful fact about daily journalism is that we don\'t ever have to get it all right because we get a new chance every day. Unfortunately, things never change when it comes to the New World Order\'s control over the media and the journalists\' lack of courage to seek out the truth and report it no matter what the consequences. 2007-11-05 |