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Don t shoot me I'm just the Messenger
Don't Shoot Me I'm Just the Messenger
by Peter Farley A couple of years ago I had the opportunity to work with a gentleman in Colorado who was a 'higher initiate' in a reasonably valid spiritual path which has since been taken over by reptilians. I was led to work with this man, as I am led to work with so many others, including members of this group, as Spirit's way of offering you the same opportunity I once got -- the opportunity to seek forgiveness for what I had done in past lives which had helped create the darkness we now find surrounding us. It took me a long while to get the message but I'm so very thankful for Guidance giving me that one last chance which made all the difference. As I've said in a number of earlier articles, Guidance never expected me to get up and do what it is I have done/accomplished over the past dozen years. I was an impossible/hopeless case. Now They like to give me the other impossible cases because I certainly know what it's like to be there and be so stubborn in being willing to accept what I had done in creating these many darkside institutions. Sue Ann has been through the same thing and wrote about her experiences earlier this year. Robert had the same thing last year. Alek is going through the very same thing right now. Oz had his encounter with this very situation just a week or two ago. And many, many others in the group have their issues to face and make amends for as well. Anyhow, this man in Colorado worked with me for a little while, even came with me to the Grand Canyon to help shut down some of the grid lines going in to the San Luis valley of Colorado -- the former alien R&D installation where so much terror has been performed on those abductees and kidnapped people here on Earth and even from other planets close at hand. As we drove across the San Luis Valley on our way to the Grand Canyon, this man KNEW what he had been responsible for that he now had the opportunity to heal and help make amends for. He had been the 'dark Master' who had brought into being the technology that harvested the life-force from abductees, children in particular, the 'machine' for want of a better word that siphoned off this life- force when it was at its peak --the moment when these children were taken from underground playgrounds in to be tortured and their life- forces harvested for cloning and for feeding in to artificially created Beings to make them 'more real'. When that swing from pleasure to pain was at its highest, the electro- magnetic life-force was at its peak much like an orgasmic moment during sexual intercourse, and the time was ripe for harvesting the greatest amount of energy. This man KNEW his part in all this, and all I was led there to do was to offer him a way to forgive and be forgiven for what had occurred so that all of us could then get on with the healing process taking place within this area and within all of Creation A few weeks later, after doing partial work to help shut down what he had created, something stepped in and shut this man's consciousness down so that all he could then do was deny any responsibility in what he had helped create. "It's all just a movie" were his exact words. Our time together ended when his final decisions were made not to do any further 'atonement' and help with the work. Another impossible case lost, and not the first and probably not the last either. I do my best but it is usually because of their strong wills that these people have ever been associated with the darkside in the first place. It is this very same 'strong-willed', unforgiving nature that now won't allow them to surrender to THEIR own inner Guidance and accept this last (for now) opportunity for healing. As the planet ascends, as the Creator Beings who initially created the flaws in this particular corner of the Universe heal, all of us are being given the opportunity to heal as well and make amends for our past deeds -- without shame, blame or guilt associated with the healing, just the chance to forgive, be forgiven, and then make amends in healing what we all helped create. When you have heard the screams of the children below the San Luis Valley as I have, you do not feel bad within yourself that you did not succeed in turning this man around. Somehow it seems there should be some type of 'payback' for the pain and anguish he has caused so many. As Sue Ann said in her piece about her healing, the pain she has suffered in recompense for what she was responsible for has lasted many, many lifetimes. The opportunity for people to heal and make amends is NOW while the changes in paradigms is occurring. It is a window of opportunity for all of us, all of Creation to walk through into healing and a whole new beginning. If we don't, I cannot tell you how many lifetimes it will be before another such chance occurs, and for those impossible cases who cannot be shifted those lifetimes will bring back to them much of what it is they themselves have created for others. With Love, in Service, Peter 2007-07-07 |