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Essential background Part 3
Part 3
Initially the idea was to take a life-form from one civilization, plant some of them on the planet, and then let them acclimatize. At periodic times after that, genetic factors from other civilizations on other star systems would be added to this original group either through reproductive intervention or a mating with the species. If this sounds very much like 2001: A Space Odyssey, you will begin to understand how creative people are fed ideas from out of their deepest inner resources in order to bring truth to Light. As the Council of Nine put it: "The origins of humankind did not evolve from animals, or from Earth matter. There was one group which emerged by itself ? all others were colonized and merged to create a new species." In tracing the vertical evolutionary record contained in human and other genomes, scientists ran into an enigma when they found that the human genome contains 223 genes that do not have the required predecessors on the genomic evolutionary tree. Starseeding is the true and only explanation for these genes without identifiable predecessors. Even star systems such as the Pleiades were seeded just as was planet Earth. It is called `starseeding', and it is a basic tool of the Universe to get evolution going and keep it going. It is also a process used to speed up the process. As was said before, however, nothing on the scale of what was to be tried on Earth had ever been attempted before. "We do not interfere in the civilizations. Those twenty-four civilizations join with us to bring about the plan for Planet Earth that was conceived by all of us in the beginning. In truth the Council and the Twenty-Four developed and created what was necessary on Planet Earth in order for humanity to live on it, when it was ready. We continue to work with this, but our wish is that you humans will now take responsibility for your own planet." The initial attempts were to `test the waters' so to speak. The metaphor the Nine use is that, like any good gardener, if you are unsure of your soil, you will plant many types of species. The kinds you initially plant are the kinds you most want to be the main structure of your garden, and to see which of those will survive. Then you arrange and cultivate, and look to see what is working and what is not. Then you do a little grafting, a little cross- hybridization, and see if you can come up with that perfect show piece that will take top honors at the next bi-annual fair. That, too, is how Planet Earth was arranged. To give you a background with which to work, and to orient your time clock in as short amount of space as we can, we have included a brief rundown of the human population on the Earth as it is currently written about in most of the scientific textbooks in schools: ? First came the creature known as Ramapithecus. Living 15-20 million years ago, it was a tree dwelling simple tool-user without visible ancestors or descendants. ? About the same time was Australopithecus, a creature also living 15-20 million years ago, but one which mysteriously died out. ? In 1946, the huge bones of Gigantopithecus were discovered and dated back to nearly 10 million years ago. Gigantopithecus, sounding much like what Brother Philip describes as the Els, stood more than 8 feet tall and weighed 400 to 500 pounds. In the 1940s, Gigantopithecus was thought to be a good candidate for a missing link; but, like Ramapithecus, it is now thought to be `an evolutionary side branch'. The fossils of Gigantopithecus and Ramapithecus, if not human ancestors, were supposedly contemporary with our true ancestor. These primates were indeed giants and dwarfs, and some lived earlier than 10 million years ago, the time in which Edgar Cayce says human beings first appeared on Earth. These were not anatomically modern people; our ancestors likely though did have "tails," just as there are incidences of children still being born with tails today. ? Homo Habilis came around 3,500,000 years ago. He was an upright, tool-using, hunting, home-dwelling being who looked much like proto-humans (proto as in prototypes), although definite ancestral links to us have not yet been established. ? Homo Erectus came roughly between 750,000 and 250,000 years ago. He was a stone-axe user, a fire-kindler and a hut-builder, with a brain somewhat comparable to ours. The females no longer went `on heat' (oestrus), and offspring went through a much more prolonged infancy. Cultural growth was beginning and signs of humanity were evident. ? There is no demonstrated relationship between Homo Erectus and Neanderthal Man--Homo Neanderthalis, who appeared about 300,000 years ago, wearing clothes, practicing ritual burials and warfare, but who mysteriously and quickly disappeared as well some 35,000 years ago. The Neanderthals displayed virtually no technological innovation during more than 100,000 years of their existence on the planet. They just disappeared. They didn't interbreed, nor were they killed off by the Cro-Magnons. Modern humans are not descended from Neanderthals, but co-existed with them about 40,000 years ago, according to the latest scientific research just recently released. In Marlo Morgan's book Mutant Message Down Under, it is the white men who are called Mutants ?because they were interbred with other races, and away from the "Ab-original." In ancient Egypt, the `Ab' referred to that part of the person known as the `heart'?therefore the Aboriginals can rightfully be called `the original hearts' of the planet. An analysis of DNA extracted from the ribs of a 29,000 year-old Neanderthal infant buried in a cave in southern Russia showed that it was too distinct to be related to humans. Although they evidently co- existed, no evidence of genetic material being passed from Neanderthals to modern humans can be found. The study of DNA taken from the first Neanderthal skeleton found in the Feldhofer Cave in Germany in 1856 supports the theory that modern humans in fact replaced Neanderthals. The DNA sequence from the infant was very similar to the specimen from the Feldhofer Cave as well, suggesting both to be genuinely Neanderthals, and that there was little diversity among them. DNA comparisons also showed that different ethnic groups have no proven links to any of the Neanderthals known. The Nine say that the Neanderthals were a species evolved from the planet Earth, but even they were "remnants of groups that had once come before." Of course, the slowness and lack of progression of the Neanderthals over 100,000 years tends to put a damper on evolutionary theory considering how much progress modern man has made in as short a time as the past 3,000 years. The Nine also say that the Cro-Magnon's were from another race which then merged with other species who had survived, later merging again to bring humans to a more elevated state. "The Neanderthals were not the beginning of humankind. . . their first appearance was in the Tarim basin in Aksu." ? There is no demonstrated relationship between the Neanderthals and those who also came to share space with them for a few millennia: Homo Sapiens Sapiens (Human the Wise). These were anatomically modern folk who appeared seemingly out of nowhere, leaving remnants all the way from Europe to Australia. They were a people who had sculpture, musical instruments, lamps, trade, and innovations such as objects of symbolic significance communicated through visual images. Palden Jenkins commentary in The Only Planet of Choice makes light of the obvious questions left by science's haphazard explanation of human life on this planet: "After an evolutionary struggle lasting millions of years, our species emerged as top hominid. And then, in one spectacular moment, we became human. As recently as 35,000 years ago, western Europe was still occupied by Neanderthals, primitive beings for whom art and progress scarcely existed. Then there was an abrupt change. Anatomically modern people appeared in Europe, and suddenly so did sculpture, musical instruments, lamps, trade and innovation. Within a few thousand years Neanderthals were gone. Insofar as there was any single moment when we could be said to become human, it was at the time of this great leap forward some 35,000 years ago." Jenkin's conclusion is that scientific theories seem to rely heavily for their continued survival "on the implicit lack of interest" most people show in the subject, and a willingness to leave the question to "experts." A seemingly very uncurious bunch, aren't we? Most of the world's different races and major culture language groups have come into place only since about 10, 000 BC. Even Egyptian civilization suddenly seemed to appear all at once, and almost fully developed, somewhere in the fourth millennium BC. Egypt moved straight from a stage of pre-civilization to the government of large areas without the usual era of city states intervening. The ordinary logic of historical development does not seem to apply to Egypt. The Nine say that Soul first came to the planet when reasoning began with the assembling of tools and with the forming of a method of communication, but others in the Universal spiritual hierarchy tend to suggest it is much further back than we think. They are not disagreeing, it is only that the higher you go, the bigger the picture one can see. ". . . We learn too," say the Nine. 2005-10-11 |