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in the quietness
After countless lifetimes of game playing, after 42 years of
preparation, and after 14 years of serving, all of a sudden there\'s a stillness of understanding and knowing for a fact that the work is over, has been done to the best of my ability. No grid work to be done. No Creator beings to work on getting into healing. No darkside that haven\'t had a reminder that they\'ve lost the war. All the sides have been set for what is left to come. Just some \'Lightworkers\' who are still sitting on their fences and need a swift spiritual kick in the behind that will remind them that \"one cannot serve two Masters.\" And boy is it quite. Now all there is to do is wait for the next things to happen. Someone wrote to me the other day about her fortune cookie that was a waking dream for her that said something along the lines of \'lose the battle to win the war.\" She knew this was Spirit trying to tell her to surrender her ego to the Higher Will in order to win those spiritual rewards that she so seeks to achieve here in this lifetime. For a long time I\'ve known and observed the fact that we don\'t really know what it is we believe in until someone asks us. We also rarely have our own opinions but rather have those lumped upon us by parents, society, and everyone else but ourselves. That\'s why Guidance shared a number of exercises throughout the writings to help you get your own ideas and understandings in a row, and nothing more important that the letter of intent. It helps align you with your true purpose and with your Highest Will to serve only that Highest there is in Creation. I see this happening in some people\'s channeling that there a a number of various streams of energy flowing in to work with them because they have not made a firm decision as to which level of service they wish to commit to. The level of Guidance you get depends on the level of commitment you make. Of course everyone says they want to serve the highest, but then when they find out what that means and they always tend to back off or simply turn and run away. Think about this for a while. Think about that \'hero\' you\'ve always dreamt you were inside your private thoughts, that longing to be the real person you always knew you were inside yourself. Then take some time to give it your undivided attention and sit down and do the letter of intent to the Universe included here, and then allow Spirit to bring your mission to you, and to bring to you also those people who need your help and your energies, and do not turn away from them . . for this IS the lifetime when all your training and all your spiritual growth up until now has been aimed at, and if you do not step up now, then what have all those millions of lifetimes of learning been for? Think about it, and then do . . . from The exercise: Write a letter of intent to the Universe. In it express your acceptance of who you are in totality. This means physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, etc. Also express your acceptance of your mission/purpose here on Earth if it is still available to you or your willingness to accept whatever else Spirit or your Guidance would have you do instead. Express your willingness to do this now in this and in every other lifetime you have from now on. This will set up a mold for things to open you to this intent in all the lifetimes to come, to lock it into your soul matrix if you will. You may not be exactly clear on what your mission is, but acceptance of the fact that you are here for some reason expresses your continued intent to ground in the here and now and serve the Highest Will possible. Your commitment to doing your mission, this purpose, MUST be in the physical here and now, manifesting it on the physical plane according to the schedule you and your Guidance set out before you came to serve. This does not mean you are just physical, it means however that you do accept having a physical body while doing your spiritual work associated with your mission/purpose (and all the pains and problems associated with living in the physical while doing the mission you came here to do). After you complete your letter outlining your acceptance and commitment, ask for Guidance\'s approval of it or correct if you need. If you get a yes, lock this intent into your heart as a commitment to be here now and to serve, then burn it in a little ritual, put it in your hope chest (*smile) or send it off to the universe in whatever way shape or form you can devise – doing it always with that perfect intent we\'re talking about. Then go out and serve. 4. The biggest reason for attachment to old ways, ideas and attitudes, is the inability to forgive – both others and more particularly ourselves. Forgiveness/Reclaiming Your Power exercise: The one thing that must be done above all to begin our own healing with regard to our own low self-esteem is to love. To forgive both those who we feel have wronged us, and most importantly of all ourselves, is to regain our lost power. To reclaim this lost power (that which we have so readily given away to both friends, family, and enemies alike, I recommend the following exercise borrowed liberally from the Native American Shamanic tradition of erasing personal history (and thereby reclaiming the personal power given away). Reclaiming your Power: 1. With plenty of time to complete the task no matter how long it takes, find a quiet comfortable area where you will not be disturbed-a place where you feel safe, a place where you feel some kind of nurturance from your surroundings such as a room filled with your favorite books, a quiet garden space, or somewhere out in nature. 2. Center yourself in whatever way is most comfortable for you - by chanting, by smudging, or simply by sitting peacefully with your eyes open or closed for a short period of time. 3. Open yourself to your own highest Good, your Higher Power, some non- denominational sense of the Cosmos that you know loves you and that you trust. 4. As you find yourself ready, go slowly over the decades of your life - either chronologically or in reverse order. Think of and/or write down a list of all those you have been involved with you in some way and to whom you have given a part of yourself. This could be either in a positive or negative way through some kind of attachment of love or hate or fear or some other emotional state. This list should include such people as your parents, your teachers, your school mates who you envied or tried to copy, the neighborhood bully, the girlfriends or boyfriends - real or imagined, the husbands or wives, your children, your neighbors, the bosses and co-workers with whom you have shared both good times and bad - everyone who you can say took or was given a piece of you that you now need to reclaim in this attempt to regain your personal power. Kenneth Meadows, in his book The Medicine Way - A Shamanic Path to Self Mastery, says to use the phrase, \'Things would have been so different IF . . .\' The things which follow that IF are the very attachments you now need to release. In releasing attachments we let go of what is draining us of our personal power. We reclaim the focus and the attention from the past and are now able to recrystallize it on our present circumstances and stand in our power and in our strength. 5. Once we have made this list or identified those with whom our personal power has been in storage, then comes the essential act of reclaiming our power, thanking - and if necessary, forgiving them, and ourselves. No matter what has happened between the two of you - things either positive or seemingly negative - the lessons have been there for you to learn, and these people have done their best, limited though it may appear to you, to help you learn your lessons and make you the best person you can be. Thank them for whatever part they have played in your own spiritual growth, and forgive them for whatever they did or did not do to you in any other way. To hold any strong feeling for anyone in the past is to give away a piece of your energy to that person, and the personal power you will need here in the very near and very real future that awaits us all in combating the New World Order. Do this for each and every person on your list, savoring each moment as you recall it and then letting it go. 6. And when all is said and done, then look at your own behavior over these same times and know that, although you may not always have been at your best, that to live in shame or blame or with some degree of guilt is the greatest source of giving away your personal power to a source which is not real. The real Creator has only and is only Love. Darkness cannot even come near to it because IT is so much Light. If IT cannot see Darkness, then it certainly does not judge us for it knows we are learning, and that there is a balance for everything we do. In this spirit, love yourself as IT loves you, and then forgive yourself. 7. Make a small ritual of burning or destroying your list, and feel the weight being lifted from your shoulders as your strength and Will and power return to you. Then be cognizant of every person and situation that enters your day and may try to steal some of your power away again. Bless them or the situation and give them love and be on your way, safe in your newfound strength, prepared for the difficult days ahead, knowing that though the Darkness may reign for a short time longer on the planet as it solidifies its power base here - there can only be one eventual winner - and of that there is no doubt. The Light will always overcome the Darkness and drive it back into the Void from whence it first came. At the end of the exercise do not `think\' or `feel\' you have done it, instead `KNOW\' you have done it and then will truly all be forgiven and properly released. 5. Learning to live in the moment, living in the now, is perhaps the greatest way of changing attitudes and shifting the weight we always carry along with us when we drag the past along, or conversely live instead in the future with all its worries and `what ifs\', never touching ground here and now. . . Samone Myers (Director of CURE ( and Circle the Pyramid Event Coordinator) wrote a piece titled, Living the Moment – Deep lessons From `Groundhog Day\'. The article certainly resonates, perhaps it will resonate with you, also \"Have you ever had a moment that you wish you could re-live? Most of us have at one time or another. Thoughts of \"I could have said so much more\" or \"I wish I could have done this or that\" cross our mind, especially at key moments in our life. Mine was what more I could have said or done before my father died. I understand that it is not to be re-lived, but we can experience life in a more enlightened manner by living the moment. \"What I mean by living the moment came to me in an odd way recently. I was watching a re-run of the movie, \"Groundhog Day\" starring Bill Murray. For those that have not seen it, it is about a newscaster traveling to a small town that has a festival each year in honor of the groundhog. What ends up happening is he wakes up every morning and re- lives Groundhog Day. Now the first time I watched this movie years ago, I thought it was funny, but did not really get much out of it. However, watching it recently was a different story. Suddenly very profound thoughts emerged and I took note of these as I watched. \"At first, the lead character Phil, played by Murray, is in denial and seeks to find answers to how it is that the same day keeps replaying. He is totally self-absorbed and is annoyed with most everyone for not believing him or helping him. He goes out of his way to prove to associates that he knows what is going to happen next, i.e., a car passing, a plate dropped in a diner, what a person is going to say, answers all the questions on Jeopardy, etc. only to find disbelief in their eyes and more frustration for him. \"Then, he moves into a phase of anger. Again, only thinking of himself, he becomes reckless in his behavior to others and to himself. He even begins to try and kill himself, only to find he is right back in the same hotel room being awakened at 6 a.m. to the song, \"I got you, Babe\" by Sonny & Cher. He even goes to the extent of taking advantage of his predicament without regard to others\' feelings. He finds out intimate details about women that he wishes to sleep with, only to wake the next morning feeling emptier. Yet, he continues the same tactic on his producer, played by Andie McDowell whom he really loves. \"At first, she is taken by what \"appears\" to be things they have in common and those little things women like to hear. Andie\'s character, Rita is somewhat fooled to begin with only to realize an uneasiness about the situation and a feeling that \"something is not right here.\" She even has moments of deja-vu, which Phil denies. Feeling worse about himself, this propels Phil into doing everything he can to win her heart. He learns French poetry, plays the piano and numerous other things to get her to fall for him. This only makes her more adamant that something is not right with the situation. \"Out of sheer frustration, Phil finally has an epiphany moment that leads to self-discovery. The defining moment comes when he surrenders. In his rejection, he withdraws, walking the streets of the little town bumping into people and feeling blue when suddenly he realizes that he has walked the same street hundreds of times and passed this homeless man. Each time in the past, he ignored the man\'s out stretched hand. But, not this time! He puts a wad of money in the man\'s hand and takes him into the diner, buying him as much food as the frail, elderly man wants. Pleased with himself, he is later shocked to discover that the man died that evening. He is so jarred by this after helping the man that he becomes obsessed with changing destiny. In one moving scene, he tries to resuscitate the man in an alley. He holds the man, crying out to God asking \"why?\" \"It is at this moment that he stands up, brushes himself off and \"gets it.\" Each morning thereafter he wakes feeling rejuvenated and excited about what the day will bring. He discovers who needs help in the town and goes out of his way to make each and every person feel better about him or herself. Meanwhile, Rita takes notice and \"feels\' the difference in the rawness and truthfulness of his actions. She spends an extraordinary \"day\" witnessing the changes in him and the effect he has on others. Afterwards, she falls for him when he carves a beautiful ice sculpture of her face. That night they make love and wake in each other\'s arms. It is then and only then that it becomes the day after Groundhog\'s Day. Recognizing what has occurred, Phil is ecstatic at what each moment will now bring. \"Reading between the lines, I was astounded at how profound the messages in this movie really are. We learn that there are phases to our spiritual growth and enlightenment that most of us have in common. We struggle with these issues in this lifetime and over many lifetimes. It teaches us that the more self absorbed we are without regard to our environment and others only leads to stuck feelings and loneliness, repeating moments until we \"get it.\" We also learn that once we surrender to the fact that all is in Divine Order a flow emerges taking us in directions above and beyond anything we imagined. Finally, as Phil demonstrated, unconditional love and compassion for our self and others is the ultimate act that defines us and leads to living the moment.\" 6. Lastly, you\'ve all probably heard the song, \"What if God were one of us . . . ?\" Write down in five words or less for each one, all the things you can think of that a God in human form would do TO HELP those he created and sent out to experience every aspect of life for him, without making them cripples. Here the thing to remember is that, as one wise person once wrote, \"The Master gives us the lessons we need, not necessarily the lessons we want.\" What is it that\'s going to help a person grow without weakening them by actually doing it for them or making it too easy to do? Unfortunately mankind seems to learn best from the hard lessons and not from the easy ones. Wishing you strength in this pursuit, Peter 2008-08-02 |