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Perfect Intent
Letter of Intent
In physics, the basic ruling paradigm is the desire to change the energy of a given source from one form into a more convenient and useable form. To do this, Man created Man. The word Hu-man means `of god mind' or `god-like'. We are the converters of spiritual energy into physical, emotional and mental energies designed to manifest Spirit here in 3D. To do this, we have to a) ground ourselves in the here and now b) declare ourselves a channel for that highest energy to flow through us and then c0 do what is asked of us how and when we are asked to do this channeling of energies. Do not try and guide the direction of what it is you are asked to do, that is in Spirit's hands. Non-attachment to results is the secret of all of spirituality and the secret to the greatest power in Creation ?Love. Write a letter of intent to the Universe. In it express your acceptance of who you are in totality. This means physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, etc. Also express your acceptance of your mission/purpose here on Earth in this and every other lifetime you have had leading up to this point. You may not be exactly clear on what it is, but acceptance of the fact that you are here for some reason expresses your continued intent to ground in the here and now and serve the Highest Will possible. Your commitment to doing your mission, this purpose, MUST be in the physical here and now, manifesting it on the physical plane according to the schedule you and your Guidance set out before you came to serve. This does not mean you are just physical, it means however that you do accept having a physical body while doing your spiritual work associated with your mission/purpose. After you complete your letter outlining your acceptance and commitment, ask for Guidance's approval of it. If you get a yes, this is what you were to do, lock its message into your heart as a commitment to be here now and to serve, then burn it ? send it off to the universe. And then serve. 2006-04-28 |