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playing in the matrix
Playing in the Matrix
By Peter Farley

Many people join this group and bring with them their old perceptions
of how things are, perceptions programmed into them by New Age
thinking and by other facets of the Matrix as well. They've never
really been outside the Matrix to know what that's like or to see
the Matrix for what it truly is. As I tell many audiences, we all
have a part of the Matrix we want to say "Well this part is okay, but
all the rest is a lie."

Well, the sad news is that it's ALL a lie, and trying to see
something outside the Matrix through Matrix-colored glasses just
doesn't work. The worst thing is that these people are just not ready
or willing to do the homework or work to see what's beyond the Matrix
walls. It's just like in the movie Pleasantville when Reese
Witherspoon's character asks her teacher what's beyond Main Street
and everybody laughs.

Well, if you think you want to move forward beyond this old paradigm
and the sheer terror it has brought to all of us for so, so many
lifetimes then the time to start doing the work is now, and you have
to set aside the old way of looking at things, leave behind
EVERYTHING you think you know about the world and spirituality and
how you think it works, connect with your Guidance, and gently but
firmly begin step-by-step to feel your way outside those old
corridors of the schoolroom known as Earth, begin breaking down old
templates, and allow new more flexible templates to be formed in
your entire Being into which you can then insert old information and
see the reality or falsity of what it is you think you know.

As author Machaelle Wright says in relation to her work: "During an
expansion of consciousness, our intellectual understanding of what we
are experiencing is challenged because it is new to us. Like anything
new, if we try to force an understanding of it through the framework
of what we already know, we end up confused and possibly
misinterpreting the experience. If we truly wish to expand out
consciousness, that expansion can only serve to render our old
framework obsolete. Any expansion we might have can actually be
distorted if we try to force it through our old intellectual
framework, such as would happen with a round handful of Play Dough
squashed through a square shaping hole. Some of the Play Dough may
get through intact, but it is distorted, while much has been left
behind on the other side of the screen, hopelessly lost for use in
the new construction.

"If we attempt to use our old framework when tackling new material
such as is here being presented, we will tend to experience what we
think we are experiencing instead of what it is that is actually
happening. Or, worse still, we will tend to read into things what it
is we want to hear, rather than getting the truth from what it is we
are reading. We need then just to put the intellect aside--to just
be. Let this new experience, this new knowledge, integrate itself
naturally into our being. Like a Zen master would proscribe, if we
just get ourselves out of the way, life will show us what we need to
know and what it is we need to be doing.

"In this way, we can allow the formation of a new and more logical or
intellectual framework. As a result, we will then gain a completely
different understanding. The experience itself will build its own new
logical framework. So, as you read this work, just let the expansion
or processing happen naturally. As you do, you will be surprised at
how much easier it is and how much more you really understand."

Let it be known then that there are some prerequisites needed before
entering upon this particular voyage of expansion of your
consciousness known as 4truthseekers. Do the necessary homework or
stay on your fence and watch the old paradigm crumbling around you.
It's truly more than ever before --now or possibly never.

With Love, In service, Peter
