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pleiadean resolution 1
Because one member of the group is working with her Pleiadean Guidance
to help resolve past issues concerning the Pleaidean involvement with this planet (Earth) it might be good here to go over some of that past, particularly as it relates to the Mars-Maldek wars, for it affects us all in terms of what we have done in the past and the making of amends we should and need to be doing right now --Pleaidean or not: From Vol 9 (The Origin of All Things): \"The Aldebarans, or Aryans, were at one time able to travel to other stars. They were, in fact, migrants to this area of the universe, first settling on Mars and Maldek (the planet whose remnants now make up the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter). These two planets were a part of the original Luciferian wars as they are now known throughout this corner of the Universe. There is a great lesson to be learned here by the people on Earth, for many of us were on these planets at the time of their final destruction. Like the lesson of history itself, we need to remember the lessons involved in this war and not let it happen again here. HAROON and the Spiritual Hierarchy tried to give this wisdom of letting go of old ways to Andre in a lesson all of us should pay attention to in this the planet\'s hour of transition: Dearest André, Do you know your time when you see it? Your time to hold on to a book, a woman, an attitude, to be strong, to be firm, yet balanced at the same time? You know you do not accept it or embrace that wisdom because it is easier not to. We don\'t criticize harshly but with truth, and the sense that you will leave the criticized state. Do the same, it is the good way to heal with voice, besides mantras and voice codes or other patterned sound energy forms. You know that when you leave something behind you are opening the doorway for something new to enter, and new things come instead of old ones. When you hold to the old ways and patterns of doing things, of thinking or viewing events, you lose time and energy that is needed for your unfoldment. Move forward at all times, be versatile and do things with sharpness, process them perfectly. Aim higher always . . . so that you will go further than where you are now. --HAROON from the Spiritual Hierarchy The surfaces of Mercury, Mars, and several satellites of the planets (including Earth\'s moon) show the effects of the intense bombardment by fragments from the destruction caused by this warring between the two worlds, these old ways many of us need to learn from. On Earth, much of the record of that destruction has already passed away. On other planets it is still very evident.\" 2008-08-02 |