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Releasing the Past of Fear and Pain and Anger
Releasing the Past of Fear and Pain and Anger
by Peter Farley The following are excerpts from messages given to Erica in her earlier channelings of the Spiritual Hierarchy and her own angelic Guidance. In it there is an understanding of what each and every one of us is going through in preparation for the war currently raging between humanity and its enemies and the more personal war going on within each of us between the Light of our own Knowingness of truth and the darkside that wants us to remain passive during this ongoing war. The choice always remains ours and no judgement is made about that choice. From personal experience of working with so many people and on my own past lives, I can share with you the fact that the pain of making poor choices in the past never leaves us but always remains a cancer eating at our spiritual insides from lifetime to lifetime, clouding our existence and holding us back from the joy of making a real commitment to both our own spiritual growth and to the service to others which allows it to take shape. With all the 'tactics' the Spiritual Hierarchy, as I like to say, used to drag me kicking and screaming into doing this very very diffuccult work, none had more of affect on me than the words of the Nine from the book The Only Planet of Choice--"What will it be like going through Eternity knowing that the lifetime that truly counted you didn't step up to bat". Everything w ehave ever been and done is to prepare us for this very war now taking place. We have now finished the training, now all we have to do is step forward to serve: Dear One, Physical symptoms are a manifestation of a block in you which has been purposely placed there by school teachers and family members. Certain members of your family are under low level mind control and possession. This stems from the genes on [both] your mother's sides of the family. You yourself have also been subjected to some controls but divine interventions have occured so that sufficient control over you did not occur- They gave up and looked for newer targets. However, they still use certain members of your family against you for purpose of sabotage and you are aware of this but cannot seem to break free from this. You are a very very powerful soul; the potential within you is what has made you a target and what has made your journey more difficult than some others. More is expected of you because you are capable of doing more. So rest for a day and then do not become discouraged by your so-called lack of progress. God is working and will provide for you, his divine child. You must develop patience and fortitude. Remember to keep helping others, for that is the key to keeping the flow of positive energies going to and from you-- From the universe to your fellow man and vice versa. Do not do what you do not feel comfortable doing, however, just because you feel it is the normal thing expected of you. It is ok to feel bad sometimes, for you are going through a lot and processing a lot of emotions; more than you have ever been called upon to do before. This is in preparation for your increasing service and for the ascension of the earth. Take it easy and don't be too hard on yourself, for by doing this you are creating blocks where some have just been cleared. Just trust and when in doubt pray and read materials of Peter's and the other materials provided to you. These can all be helpful in grounding your sometimes chaotic energies and making you feel less 'crazy.' We leave this final decision up to both you and Peter, for you are the human vessels, as with others, which we need to occupy in order to spread light on this planet. We love you dearly. Do what you must do and know that we are nearby. Do not be scared of situations you find yourself in. Call upon us immediately. If you choose to help we will always have your back and you will never be in any danger which cannot be thwarted or reversed. We are the most powerful, more powerful than Lucifer and more powerful than the energy of evil currently residing on earth. We are awaiting the time when the people's consiousness will call for peace and love and real understanding of life and how things work, and then we will be able to proceed and defeat whatever darkness lurks on this planet and in this corner of Creation. The Father has said this is the only way, for unlike the darkside we must respect the universal laws of free will, so we must wait until people truly want to be liberated from this prison and this darkness. Your job is to alert people that they are in fact living in the deepest darkness Creation has ever known, and that there is a way out of it and that there is an alternative if only they are ready for another way. Another way of existence can be frightening for those who have know nothing but darkness, but there is hope, and you are here to spread hope. Peter must make a decision and you yourself must make a decision. Can you serve from where you currently are? We do not know. This is something you must answer for yourself honestly. With Great Love, RAJ, HAROON and the entire Spiritual Hierarchy Dear One, We have been with you the past weeks and have seen you struggle to make decisions based on self-will and service to self rather than the higher will. It is as if selfishness has won you out and you can only account for yourself and none other. We know that you have been feeling hurt and frustration within and without because of your circumstances. We feel you in pain, reaching out and grasping for something to save you, but you can only save yourself at this time. No one will be sent to rescue you, you are the rescuer in this mission. You forget how powerful you are and yet you cannot stand up even in these minor obstacles you have been facing for fear of the wrong decision. If you rely on guidance there will never be a wrong decision and you will not have to try as hard to do the things that need to be done in your life. Your selfishness related to the lucifer energy is that you do not want to give of yourself and do not want to allow your own energy to heal. You seem to think there are good and bad sides, but really we are all the same and no part of the lucifer energy is necessarily bad or good; and no part of the angelic energy is necessarily good or bad. We all just are and what your guidance needs from you now is acceptance, acceptance of S.. and of all the other parts of lucifer that need to heal at this time, including your own part of the lucifer energy which needs to heal. Do not get caught up in time lines or specifics of anything, just remain open to guidance and allow us to lead you where we may without fear of repercussions. You have slipped from sobriety but this is only a brief lapse and more a cry for help than anything else. You will be able to remain sober in the coming days as long as you rely upon us and serve the higher will as much as possible. Always ask us, no matter how small the decision. We need to build you back up, for you have slipped pretty far down in these past few weeks. We love you, as always, without judgement. With Great Love, Your Angelic Guidance Dear One, Look around you and see these changing circumstances- you cannot remain in denial for much longer. You cannot bury your head in the sand and wait for somebody else to do something. Even if you feel you cannot make any sort of meaningful change, know that from above, from our non-physical perspective, you can and have already made changes for the better, both in yourself and in those around you. Lately you have been feeling different, depressed and pessimistic. Maybe this is from the loss of friendship you have experienced. Know it was meant to happen and it will ultimately move you higher than if you had remained in that friendship, stifled in the lower levels. Just take baby steps now. You feel that you are not ready, so you must build yourself up to that point. You can do one small good thing for another person each day and soon it will build and you will grow to the point of being ready. With Great Love, Your Angelic Guidance Dear One, What I want for you to know is tha you may be in danger of completely falling and forgetting all that has become revealed in this past year. The decision you have in front of you is a scary one. As long as you wholeheartedly embrace us, and have us guide you in each interaction, you will be fulfilling the need of spirit in your life. It is about constant guidance, and right now you are not doing this. You were, in fact, fulfilling this for a little while in your life when things were not busy. But now that you have more material concerns you seem to forget the duty you have for us. Even in busy situations we are more than able to take over as you wish us to do. Have faith and do not forget, do not allow yourself to forget what is true all around you and in your heart. You will find life more enjoyable as you embrace us once again. Very importantly, you must channel every day to keep the connection alive as it becomes more difficult to reach you the more infrequently you connect to us. In case of any emergency situation we will need to connect with you, and you with us, in a very short amount of time, a split second even. Open up your concern for others and let it all out. Yes it can be painful, but it will not be as painful if you don't attach your own will to the results of a situation and instead let God do what he must. With Great Love As Always, The Spiritual Hierarchy Dear One, Go with the flow of your life and the energies presented to you. These energies are sent for you to work with and move with to the next place you need to be in. Change is what you must be accustomed to by now, and there have been many changes in this lifetime for you, all to prepare for these moments approaching faster and faster with the quickening of things. You must move with this quickness because you are a piece of it and will be swept with it as no thing is ever separate, though it is made to seem so in 3rd dimensional reality. Really, you are a piece of it and it of you; and you will feel this new energy within yourself and your immediate surroundings. Remain an open vehicle and know we are with you all the time. Symptoms of the quickening are dizziness as well as disorientation and you may feel like you are going crazy but this is ok. Remain where you are for now and wait and notice when things happen. These are all signs for you and others to act or not act depending on what you are guided to do, and what comes to you. If delays come to you, accept it. If constant business comes to you, accept it as well. It is all part of the nature of changes occuring faster than they have in this lifetime. Hold on and have faith in our love for you. With Great Love, The Spiritual Hierarchy The final volume of the 9-volume work the Spiritual Hierachy have had me write relates to the Brotherhood of the Snake, the reptilian races and their offspring who have, for so long, kept this planet hostage to their own dark desires. Andre's recent channelings have opened up for me the final pieces of their connection to Kochab, the planet of Darkness, and the origins of Lucifer in this corner of Creation Itself. Again, I know how, through constant programming and self- denial, the mention of Lucifer immediately shuts us down to any understanding of his presence, of Self-Will's presence, both in Creation and within each and every one of us. Self-will is not 'evil' in and of itself. It is the use of self-will not in service to Higher Will that allows darkness to grow and to prevail within the individual and within society at large. These Serpents have their own special place in most spiritual traditions (as shown throughout the volumes of the book) where they symbolize either good or evil. In the Vedic tradition, as in so many other religious and historical followings, they are inherently related to some of its most important personages. They breed fear where ever they have gone and now once again those reptilian generals and royalty who currently rule over us through the personages of political entities seek to have us live in this kind of paralytic fear that will stop us from ever realizing our own greatness and the power we have to change it all (as it eventually did with Erica). The Choice is yours and ours. All the help in the Universe is available to you and to us to change what stops us from moving forward. All we have to do is ask, and then listen, and then follow the Guidance that is there to help us. I can teach anyone to channel their own Guidance. I can teach anyone to do the kind of healing work I do. I can teach anyone to follow the Guidance that is there to lead them into spiritual greatness because I have learned it all myself from scratch. I do not have a gift, as many people like to say. I have powers and abilities learned through simply following my Guidance and then allowing that Guidance to direct me and work through me, as anyone who is willing to can. There were not years of study and spirituallly excercising as most paths teach, there was simply one moment of surrender,a nd then doing so each and every day. I have been many things in my lifetime, as I tell every audience I speak to, many of these things were not nice. Everyuthing I have ever been and done, however, is now not an excuse to not move forward, but rather a gift of understanding, a real-time experience of what others are also going through much like Erica too has experienced. Each one of these things, just like every past lifetime, good and bad, makes me better at what I do to help others for every place they are I have been, every thing they fear I have feared, every challenge they face I have faced, and once again as I like to say to all my audiences, if I can do what I am now doing to serve, then anyone can. Fear Chakra Release Assignment From my experience with removing fear chakras from people I have found that something occurs early on in our lives related to a fear that then creates an energy blockage in that space or place in our etheric field. This original place of fear then attracts and holds all the other fears we encounter in our lives, whther they be our own or others placed upon us from all the many sources out there meant to spread fear. This chakra can be removed in session, but also can be removed from realizing its origin and relasing it using the following technique. As a small child, you may have been told you were a naughty child well, the things you did may have been negative, but you weren't a naughty or bad person. Yet, the message you were naughty/bad became part of who you are. We believed and became the messages. Your assignment is to make a list of the messages you were given. Trust me, they will flow once you begin this list. Make a note of who gave you the message; if you don't know where the message originated just write down the message. Some examples of message-givers are: Ministers, priests, nuns, teachers, parents, grandparents, other relatives, siblings, caregivers, coaches, friends, practitioners, newspapers, radio, TV, etc. Realize and own each of these messages whether they be yours or someone else's, then release them using any technique of your on creation as not being worthy of your spiritual-warrior Being. Fell them leaving you, and when all is said and done, realse any attachment to the list and destroy it in any way your Guidance leads you to do. This is not something to skip around with. It is certainly something where you want to avoid deceiving yourself in any way -like taking it at a "half- hearted" (pun intended) level and pretending you are really serious. Time is running 'short' and your decision has to be made, for if it is not, then it will be made through a failure to act and to decide and this bears the heaviest karma of all. IN service, with Love and best wishes to all. Peter 2005-11-04 |