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Savagery from civilization
Watching Katrina should remind us of one very profound aspect of
life, and the lie that civilization continues to develop: From Vol 1, available in the Files section of this group "After cataclysms such as pole shifts, floods, and the breakup of continents have destroyed earth's past civilizations, the survivors have had great difficulty in preserving any of their higher civilization, but rather they have had to revert back to a survival level in which the basics of life had to be met first, basics such as food, clothing, and shelter. Colonel James Churchward, on the other hand, is adamant that, contrary to scientific beliefs about the origins of mankind, "savagery came out of civilization, not civilization out of savagery." He asserts that he is not alone in this stand, "for it is only those who know nothing of savages who maintain that civilization emerged from savagery." "The assertion that the more crude and primitive a stone arrow or spear head is, the more highly civilized were the people who made them, may seem illogical on its face; but think?carry your mind back to ancient times, and see how man was repeatedly robbed of everything except his bare hands, and thrown entirely on nature's resources. Tools and everything else were gone; absolutely nothing was left except the brains and the fingers of the survivors. Without the slightest knowledge of mechanics, these remnants had to commence making tools out of nothing but the stones at their feet. Could anything but the crudest forms be fashioned by them without experience and without knowledge? I think not. To me, these crude arrow and spear heads do not show savagery or a low civilization. They show a high civilization passing down into savagery. Thus the scientist's Paleolithic men were of a higher civilization than the Neolithic men who followed them, and as the manufacture improved these human beings went down." 2005-09-06 |