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sound as a weapon
Sound as a Weapon
by Peter Farley www.4truthseekers. org Sound has and is always being used as a weapon against mankind. At its most simple and yet most effective level the GREATEST influence on Mankind is the music which surrounds us each and every day. Nothing stirs the heart to patriotism faster and influences the emotions quicker than music. Nothing makes the eyes weep more copiously than a full set of Tchaichovsky strings building to a crescendo or fading to a soft whisper of tragedy. Nothing stirs the soul more effectively than a Mozart symphony. No movie would have an effect on its audience without the background music to tell us when to laugh and when to cry and to build the tension that lets us know when to be afraid. Nothing gets the feet moving, the fingers snapping, the heart racing faster than a simple beat of some drums and other percussion instruments. And nothing kills an athlete quicker than a loud pulsing beat of some elctronica or rap or some form of music with an irregular rhythm which gets the heart to trying to beat in an abnormal fashion. Throw in a few drugs and death is certain whenever some extra exertion is required. Without music advertising wouldn't work, jingles would'nt get stuck in our brains, old 60s songs we knew and loved wouldn't revive old memories of happier times gone by. And the list goes on and on. So much of this form of sound/music weaponry used against humans is 'knowingly' subliminal. We know it affects us but we don't seem to care or think about the consequences. Even more insidious is how sound-encoding of sacred texts has been used against us: "In his book, Figuring the Sacred: Religion, Narrative and Imagination, Paul Ricoeur addresses the issue of how the followers of a religion see their religious text. Perhaps unknowingly, he also delves into the workings of how sacred texts can be used to `hook' the new convert simply through their 'sound' in the reading of them, and bind the follower just as a magic spell would do. As any good marketing or advertising executive already knows, once one knows how the human mind works, the rest is easy: "And so the nature of the text, at least in Christianity, is not completely hostile to the critical approach, and the fact that we have four Gospels; we could have imagined a church that would have said," There is only one Gospel." But in Christianity all the discrepancies were preserved (even though so meticulously crafted), and a certain equivocity of the texts was assumed at the beginning (contradiction keeps the reader guessing and allows for breaks in thought patterning which allows for deeper programming) . No one said how many days the passion lasted; no one said how many days intervened between the crucifixion and the resurrection, and so on (thus allowing for individual interpretation by the preacher depending upon his audience). . . "Why did the Church allow for four versions of the same story? It is another founding principle of all ancient mystery-based organizations that there are various levels of meaning for each different level of initiation. What may seem like a paradox to one group at a certain level of understanding, can be fully understood by those at a higher level with a broader base with which to understand the paradox. So it is with their symbolism, allegory, and metaphor. By allowing contradictory versions of the same story, one is redefining what is sacred and taking its true meaning away from those who hold such beliefs. No longer is God sacred, but something open to interpretation. By doing this, one is also not opening oneself up to a single set version that can be so easily demolished. Flexibility is built in with four separate different versions." (from Volume 6 of my book Where Were You Before The Tree of Life?) In Islam the prayers are SUNG from muezzin towers. At a Seder table the rabbi sings the prayers in Judaism. The old Latin Mass of Christianity was a sing-song musical of supposed sacredness. The call and response theme of so much of church services only follows the basics of musical construction. And so it goes on and on. Sound used as a weapon to ingrain certain coding or patterns into the brains or psyche of the people. Rudolph Steiner talks about the initiatory influence of sound encoding in many of his works: "The fundamental precondition for this path of schooling is a faith in Jesus Christ that permeates the "entire life of the pupil, growing in time into a powerful force within him. The unique being of this divine human being must fill the whole soul. The pupil must allow certain meditative contents, for instance, the opening sentences of the Gospel of St. John, to live in his soul everyday throughout weeks, months, perhaps years. He must be blind and deaf to everything that goes on around him during this time. Not only the meaning of the sentences, but also the sentence structure, the formation and arrangement of the sounds, must be deeply experienced. " The author of the original works on King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table stated that by reading the words of his writings you were being initiated through the sequence of the sounds. Many have commented on the ringing in the ears or the 'sound encoding' in my own writing, particularly the many volumes of Where Were You . . .? Toning is the language of the Universe, as well portrayed at the end of the movie Close Encounters of The Third Kind. The fall in consciousness came in Lemuria as the people shifted from this tonal language and 'telepathic communication' to one which was verbal: "The Lemurians had only used their vocal cords to make musical tones. The wide range of sound in their voices blended in beautiful melodic melodies that harmonized throughout the land. The vibration carried for miles and would be joined by other voices both human and animal, until at times the entire population was one in vibration. "As Lemurians moved more and more into verbal conversation, they began to lose the ability of interaction consciousness to consciousness. They no longer held a leaf in their hand and felt the very essence of life. It took a long time, but the loss of their spiritual awareness was taking place. "The Lemurians began to learn the Atlantean language and how to verbally communicate. This of course took time to develop but eventually they moved from thought communication to verbal communication. They chose to not share open conscious thought communication any longer as their own thoughts were less pure. There was a great influx of new ideas, new thoughts, and new ways to do things." Sirian Guidance suggests to their followers that the healing properties of an herb can be located in the name: "All healing energies are transmitted via the sound of the name and are just as effective said in the mind or aloud, as in physically taking them. Try it and see." Nothing is more powerful in the healing room for release and forgiveness exercises than the power of the sound made in saying things out loud --the act of transmitting the certain vibrational sequences of the thoughts into the third dimension. Sound encoding (the male aspect of Creation -- Light-encoding being the female aspect of Creation) has been used against Mankind and most other Beings in this corner of Creation since it was 'stolen' early on from the Creational process. The sound-encoding process I do for people returns them to their original intended state of being both Light and Sound encoded, encompassing both the twin pillars of Creation. Lasar weapons are the darkside's way of using Light against us. The sound weapons and the music influences and the initiatory aspect of using sound encoded texts is the way the darkside also uses sound against us. As said so often before, the forces of Creation are NEUTRAL as is Spirit, these very same enegies which can be used to lift us up in consciousness and awareness, can also be used to trap us into the lower dimensions and keep us Earth-bound and enslaved. 2010-11-19 |