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spiritual indebtedness
Spiritual Indebtedness
by Peter Farley One of the lessons from the past week of walking the labyrinth to the ascension resetting was the importance of this awesome opportunity we presently have for just a little while longer to free ourselves of past karmic debt. Mike\'s story has already been mentioned in brief and I\'m hoping when he has time he will share more of what happened for him this weekend, but as with many I have been led to work with and others in this group, the implications of his actions in the past have had a major effect on the balance of power in this corner of the Universe. For him it was a chance to be in the place where some of these events took place and to ask and receive forgiveness from Spirit/Creation and those involved. I will leave the rest of this to him, but suffice to say, as with Sue Ann, as with Peter, as with Elizabeth and Roberto, the forgiveness is only the first step. Unlike the forgiveness of sin in Christianity, the forgiveness of true spirituality also demands one make an honest attempt to make amends for what they have done. Sue Ann describes this in her piece on healing. I explained what the gentleman in Colorado went through before walking away from grace even though he knew his role in what took place in the San Luis valley. Etc , etc, etc. With darkness going bye-bye in this corner of the Universe, with Lucifer, Thoth, and many others coming in for healing, the chance is NOW to also join in this general \'amnesty\' and work on what all of us have had as a part of our many, many lifetimes in this darkside controlled area of Creation. After World War 2, after the end of apartheid in South Africa, and in so many other cases, it is only the leaders who are \'prosecuted\' while others are forgiven but asked to make reparation. One woman left the group yesterday using the unfounded slurs against me as an excuse not to do the difficult work of healing that which she had helped occasion. The archangel Michael was waiting for her to work with him on this healing process but it was more convenient to deny being able to hear Him than to actually commit to do the difficult work of helping repair the damage. Been there, done that. All of us seek the \'easy way\' out not realizing that buckling down and getting the work done IS the easy way out, for if we have to extend this making amends out for lifetimes and lifetimes to come, what is the benefit of walking away from it now? Going back to University at age 38 I was much more prepared and understood that getting the work done when it was assigned was much easier on me in every way than waiting till the night before as so many younger students would. As Mike might agree it was the idea that he might have to drag this out for 10,000 more lifetimes if not done now helped him make his decision to step up to the plate now rather than to deal with things later. One person I\'ve recently had occasion to deal with is \'on release\' from spiritual debtor\'s prison\'. What might you ask is that? I had to ask myself and as the work progressed we came to understand better that this person had been one to help create some of Thoth\'s control grid devices. Being Antarian (a computer geek) he had not learned, as most of his people have not yet learned, that the creation of technology MUST be aligned with some sense and ownership of the morality of using it. Spiritual debtor\'s prison is for those who continue to collect more and more karma than they can or are willing to work out in one or a number of lifetimes. This man had been released with the hope that his connection with some real spirituality in this time of great healing might be able to at least help him turn a corner and get some of his karmic load dealt with. It doesn\'t seem like it is to be so, however, as the lack of emotional honesty and the driveness of an over-active mind keep him from feeling the great hurt he has done to others. We hope. Guidance always loves to give us one more chance to step forward and do the work necessary, but there comes a time when those windows of opportunity close. Once upon a time I had the realization that I, as Soul, am eternal and so, like Bill Murray\'s character in the movie Groundhog Day, I may as well get going with making that eternity meaningful and productive. And so I have, and it has changed the world. Now I have carte blanche when I leave this lifetime to do whatever it is I want to do, which of course in some ways is meaningless because all I wish to do is serve. I have found my forgiveness, I have and continue to make amends, and all I can do is say we\'re all here to help each other in working out these too long held debts to Creation. The time IS NOW to release them and begin the hard but fun work of helping correct that which WE ALL helped create. IN service, Peter 2007-11-11 |