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The Jesus Conspiracy Part 1
The Jesus Conspiracy Part 1
From Where Were You Before the Tree of Life? Vol 1 By Peter Farley What is important to understand here is that both the Romans and the Jews were waiting for the return of the space-gods of legend, much as some are waiting for the return of Christ around the beginning of this new millennium. Both groups were preparing societies, land, and temples to be the site of the arrival. The Romans rebuilt the Temple of Zeus at Baalbek as a landing place and called it the Temple of Jupiter. They removed obelisks from Egypt in 30 BC, and set them up all over Rome to draw in the energies of the gods, and then dominated all of the Middle East around Israel by conquering the whole system that Alexander the Great had once set up. And, though it might seem that this was an end-of-the-millennium thing, neither the Roman nor the Jewish calendar of the time reflected the end of a millennium. As a priest of Jupiter, Julius Caesar claimed lineage from the gods, and he declared that the Hebrew Calendar, which began in 3760 BC had come to an end. Once he had attained control of Rome, Caesar abolished the lunar-based Etruscan calendar, and he set up the solar- based Julian calendar in 45 BC, announcing that the new `chosen' people were the Romans. Both were surprised by the birth of `a savior' in the year 7 BC. The Palestine of the time had three provinces?Galilee and Judea, with Samaria in between. Herod was appointed King of Judea. There were heavy taxes, crucifixion, torture, and a high rate of Jewish suicide. The Jews were desperate for their Messiah?but there was no thought of this messiah being divine. Plans for the ultimate battle against Rome with the Messiah in command have been found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. And, as such, Palestine was an occupied country, ruled by a puppet monarchy backed by a highly organized and ruthless military occupational force. An underground guerrilla movement was heavily involved in fighting the oppressors. The messiah many of them expected would be a military leader to lead this ultimate battle plan. Armageddon was to take place at Megiddo as a war between the "Children of Light and the Sons of Darkness"?the Jewish righteous underground led by the messiah, against the legions of Rome. What the people wanted was a forceful liberator to secure their freedom from the Roman overlords. For Jesus contemporaries no Messiah would ever have been regarded as divine?Christ is Greek for `the anointed one' as in the anointing of a king. David was the Messiah and the Christ, and every subsequent Jewish king of the House of David was known by the same appellation. The Essene Branch Much as many would like to deny or suppress it, Jesus was born and raised an Essene. Therefore, it will be necessary for us now to take a look at the Essenes in order to better understand Jesus' background and his upbringing. The Essenes were a Jewish religious brotherhood, one of three main philosophical Jewish sects of the time, the other two being the Pharisees and the Sadducees. The Sadducees were the small group of wealthy land-owners who collaborated with the Romans. The Pharisees were a progressive group who introduced much reform and were passively opposed to Rome. The Essenes are striking in the absence of their mention from the Bible for they were as influential and as important as the Sadducees and the Pharisees. They repudiated conventional Judaism in favor of a form of Gnostic dualism, and were the most esteemed healers in the Holy Land at the time. The biblical character, Samson, who would not cut his hair, was a Nazarite Essene. The word Essene comes from the Greek `essenoi' meaning something secret or mystic?in the healing arts as well. They were organized on a communal basis and practiced strict asceticism. The order existed in Palestine and Syria from the 2nd century BC to the 2nd century AD. Its chief settlements were on the shores of the Dead Sea. The Essenes are not mentioned in the Bible and neither are they mentioned in rabbinical literature. For a great period of time, the information had regarding them came largely confined to the writings of Philo Judaeus, a Hellenistic Jewish scholar and philosopher of Alexandria; the Roman historian Pliny the Elder; and the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, whose first hand account spoke of the Essenes' art of healing and knowledge of medicine, said to have come from the ancients. Their fundamental teachings were love of God, love of virtue, and love of one's fellow humans. Their fundamental belief was that the universe contained the two cardinal spirits of Light and Darkness. `Light' represented truth and righteousness, and `Darkness' depicted perversion and evil. The balance of one against the other in the cosmos was settled by celestial movement, and people were individually apportioned with degrees of each spirit as defined by their planetary circumstances of birth. Significantly, this cosmic battle between light and darkness was thus perpetuated within humankind and between one person and another; some containing, as we have learned from the story of Enjliou and Callia's dysfunctional Creation, proportionally more Light, others proportionally less Light. By tradition, the Spirit of Darkness was identified with Belial (worthless); whose children worshipped other gods than Jehovah. The Spirit of Light was symbolized by the seven-branched candlestick, the Menorah. In the time of the Davidic kings, the Zadokite priest was considered the foremost proponent of the Light. Gnosticism itself is often thought to have stemmed from the Essene tradition because of the similarity. The basic Gnostic belief was that there are two principles: that of good and that of evil. A balance must be struck between these forces; and the balance is in the hands of the Gnostic?the Knower?partly because nobody else can tell whether an action is for the eventual good of the individual or the community. This secret knowledge comes through the mystical insight which the Gnostics attained. Important features of the Essene community were the communal sharing of property, distributed according to need; strict observance of the Sabbath; and scrupulous cleanliness, which involved washing in cold water and wearing white garments. Prohibited were swearing, taking oaths (other than oaths of membership in the Essenian order), animal sacrifice, the making of weapons, and participation in trade or commerce. The order drew its recruits either from children it had adopted or from the ranks of those who had renounced material things. A probation of three years was required before the novice could take the oath of full membership, which demanded complete obedience and secrecy. Breaking the oath was punishable by expulsion. Because of the continuance of the binding requirement that no food should be eaten that was ceremonially unclean, this penalty was often equivalent to death by starvation. As a society, the Essenes were the first to condemn slavery as a violation of human fellowship. It is reported that they bought and freed slaves owned by others. The Essenes lived in small communities of their own. Their industries were farming and handicrafts. After 1947 new light was thrown upon the Essenes by the Dead Sea Scrolls found at Khirbat Qumr?n, the site of an Essene community until the 1st century AD. Among the scrolls is a Manual of Discipline which can be associated with the Essene pattern of life as known from Greek and Latin sources. Among the ancient books found at Qumran are some of the oldest writings ever found?pre-dating anything from which the traditional Bible was translated. Of particular interest are certain Biblical commentaries compiled by the Scribes in such a way as to relate the Old Testament texts to the historical events of their own time. The technique applied to link the Old Testament writings with the New Testament era was based on the use of `eschatological knowledge', a form of coded representation that used traditional words and passages to which were attributed special meanings relevant to contemporary understanding. These meanings were only meant to be understood by those who knew the code. The use of coded radio broadcasts to send messages to the French Resistance in Occupied France during World War II is a similar idea. In this case, the Essene Scribes used messages with "dual layers of meaning"?an evangelical meaning on the surface, and the political information beneath?so that their Roman oppressors would not understand. Much of the translation of this coded system was initially conducted by Barbara Thiering at Sydney University from about 1967 on. It is described in her book, Jesus, the Man, as well as in Laurence Gardner's Bloodline of the Holy Grail. The Essenes were trained in the use of this allegorical code which occurs in the Gospel texts in particular relation to those parables heralded by the words `for those who have the ears to hear,' signifying a message for those initiates who needed to know and who understood the code. On a higher level though, it also refers to those who could ascend dimensionally in order to be able to receive the wisdom of the sound-encoded words and messages in such texts as the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. The codeword for Rome was "Babylon," while the phrase `the Word of God' is said to have signified Jesus. This symbolism remained fairly constant ?as in the case of Jesus himself, and established from the very outset in the Gospel of John: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God . . . And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory. (John 1:1, 14) Whenever the phrase `the Word of God' is used (with or without a capital "W"), it meant that Jesus was either present or was the subject of the narrative?as in Luke 5:1 when `the Word of God' stood by the lake. Other such code words and their meanings necessary for us to understand here are: `the lion' which stands for the Roman Emperor, `The Way' was the doctrinal theme of the Essene community, `Children of Light' were those who followed the Way, `The many' was the head of the community, `The poor' were those initiated into higher echelons of the community, `the crowd' was the regional governor, `the multitude' was the governing council. `the Children' were the novices in the Essene sect, `lepers' were those who were uninitiated, `the blind' were people not party to the Way, `healing the blind or a leper ` meant converting them, `raised from the dead' meant released from excommunication, `the unclean' were uncircumcised gentiles, `the sick' were those in public or clerical disgrace, Clouds, sheep, fishes, loaves, ravens, doves, and camels all had similar coded meanings. A fisher of men then becomes a leader, much as were the Fisher Kings of Grail lore later on. Today we have the same type of situation using slang meanings for countless words such as screws, fences, sharks, angels, bulls, bears, and stars, and none of them would be taken literally in the context of its slang usage. Some of these coded words were actually titles: The doctrine of the Essene community was "the Light," represented by a triarchy. The Priest, the King, and the Prophet became then `the Power', `the Kingdom', and `the Glory'. In the clerical patriarchy, `the Father' was supreme; his two immediate deputies were designated as his `Son' and his `Spirit'. Within the Essene community in Qumran, there was strict observance of ritual and tradition. The symbolic representative of the Spirit of Darkness in the community was the Chief of Scribes whose role was to provide a formal opposition within the hierarchical structure, and to test the initiates. He held the Hebrew title `Satan' (Accuser), the equivalent of which in Greek is `diabolos' (Aggressor), commonly called `devil.' This led to the idea of the Devil's Advocate who probed the background of potential candidates for canonization in the Roman Catholic Church. Satan the opposer is, of course, based on Lucifer. It was within this strict observance of traditional Essene roles and the secrecy surrounding their community that Jesus was born in 7 BC, not in the year 0 as is commonly believed. It is also with the violent and rebellious times of political and religious oppression that he was born also?a ready solution to an old problem. Jesus Much like Quetzalcoatl, Moses, and many of the other historical figures we have studied so far, there is Jesus the man, and there is also Jesus the legend. It is a historical fact that in the two thousand years since his birth, the truth surrounding his birth, his life, and his death, has been edited, enhanced, censored and fabricated by its promoters. At various councils in succeeding centuries, the Bible was edited and knocked into shape according to the views of bishops and monarchs ?especially the Roman Emperor Constantine, one of the institution-builders of the Roman Catholic Church. That process of creative interpretation and manipulation still goes on today. The Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican are heavily invested in keeping certain information from the public, and so have been at the forefront of archeological digs that may turn up information embarrassing to their position and their role. This has been especially true of the Dead Sea Scrolls, where it has taken almost 50 years for realistic interpretations of some of the scrolls to be released. That Vatican-controlled researchers were in charge of the process says enough. Jesus' very connection with the Essenes and to Qumran has been totally eradicated from the Bible?the absence of such a major influence being suspicious in and of itself. In one of the few passages written by Pliny the Younger (62-113 CE) that mentions the word Christians, it is believed that the word had been changed from `Essenes' who Pliny wrote about often. St. Augustine (354-430), admitted, "I should not believe in the truth of the Gospels unless the authority of the Catholic Church forced me to do so." Also not mentioned in the Gospels is any word about the Zealots (the Jewish resistance movement of the time), one researcher suggesting that this fact must surely be indicative of a relationship between Jesus and these patriots which the Evangelists preferred not to disclose. The two men who were crucified with Jesus are explicitly described as lestai?the appellation by which the Zealots were known to the Romans. According to Elaine Pagels, attributing a specific writing to a specific apostle may also bear a symbolic meaning. "The title of the Gospel of Mary suggests that its revelation came from a direct, intimate communication with the Savior. The hint of an erotic relationship between him and Mary Magdalene may indicate claims to mystical communion; throughout history, mystics of many traditions have chosen sexual metaphors to describe their experiences. The titles of the Gospel of Thomas and the book of Thomas the Contender (attributed to Jesus' "twin brother") may suggest that "you, the reader, are Jesus' twin brother." Whoever comes to understand these books discovers, like Thomas, that Jesus is his "twin," his spiritual "other self" (The idea of Jesus and Lucifer as the two different gods of duality). Birth and Early Years One thing that is historically evident from the information available is that the Church has gone to great lengths to acquire and conceal or to destroy all other records of Jesus' life that do not confirm their own version of the story from the very earliest of times right up till recent decades. What has been left is often the product of confusing translations, many words from the ancient texts having had several different meanings or denotations. It is a common practice today in public relations that when a situation cannot be covered up, the best solution is to flood the information available with many different and varying opinions to `murky the water' so to speak?to confuse the issue so that no one knows what is right, or what is wrong. For instance, only two of the gospels speak of Jesus' origins and birth at all, Matthew and Luke. According to Matthew, Jesus was of aristocratic stock, descended from David via Solomon. According to Luke, what we get in Jesus is the poor carpenter's son. Luke says he was visited by shepherds on his birth; Matthew, by kings. Luke says Jesus lived in Nazareth and his parents had traveled to Bethlehem for him to be born in a census which history says never happened. In addition, not a few people have noticed the irreconcilability of the December birthdate with the circumstances of the birth which could not have taken place in the winter, with "shepherds tending their flock," etc. ben Yehoshua relates the origins of the January 6th date: "Originally the eastern Christians believed that [Jesus] was born on 6 January . . . Osiris-Aion was said to be born of the virgin Isis on the 6th January and this explains the earlier date for Christmas." Matthew says the family lived in Bethlehem in a house and was fairly well-to-do, and that they had to flee to Egypt to escape Herod's persecution, moving to Nazareth upon their return. Unfortunately, the term `Nazarene' was sectarian, coming from the word `Nozrim' ? Keepers of the Covenant?referring to the Essene community. John the Baptist and Jesus' brother James were also Nazarites. Paul was brought up as a leader of the sect of Nazarenes. The town of Nazareth does not appear on any of the contemporary maps, books, or texts from that era, either Roman or Judean. St Paul does not mention Nazareth, nor is it mentioned in the Talmud. A version of Flavius Josephus's work in Old Russian differs from others in that it portrays Jesus as "human," as an apolitical revolutionary, and as a "king who did not reign." He is also said to have had a "line in the middle of his head in the manner of the Nazireans." Nobody remembered what Jesus looked like. Citing Isaiah, one wing of Christian opinion argued that he had chosen `a mean and ugly human form'. The word `Christ' comes from the Greek, Christos meaning `King', and shall not be used in this text except where quoted. Similarly the word for carpenter, `naggar' could also be translated as `scholar' or `teacher' ?the Greek `ho tekton' defined them as men with skills, masters of what they did. One translation that shall prove interesting later relates to `a master of the craft', as would be applied to modern Freemasonry. There is also no basis for the birth in a stable, however, mangers were often used as substitute sleeping arrangements inside a building. The Gnostic scripture, The Secret Book According to John, tells the story of Jesus birth in the higher dimensions from `the great invisible virgin spirit' and how this related to the entirety (Soul): "They stood at rest and glorified the invisible spirit and the Barbelo, for because of the Barbelo they had come to exist. And the holy spirit perfected the divine self-originate, the offspring of itself and the Barbelo, so as to make the offspring stand at rest before the great invisible virgin spirit. The divine self-originate, the anointed (Christ), who glorified the spirit with a great voice, was shown forth by forethought. And the invisible virgin spirit established the self-originate as true god over the entirety, and subordinated to it (the self-originate) all authority and the truth that was in it (the spirit), so that it might know about the entirety: which is called by a name that is superior to every name, for that name will be uttered to those who are worthy of it." At Psalms 72:17, we read, "May his name endure for ever, his fame continue as long as the sun," and at Malachi 1:11 states, "For from the rising of the sun to its setting my name is great among the nations." The risen Christ explains to Peter that those who "name themselves bishop, and also deacon, as if they had received their authority from God, "are, in reality, "waterless canals." (Apocalypse of Peter 79.24-30, in NHL 343) Although they "do not understand mystery," they "boast that the mystery of truth belongs to them alone." (ibid. 76.27-34, in NHL342.) The author accuses them of having misinterpreted the apostle's teaching, and thus having set up "an imitation church" in place of the true Christian "brotherhood." (ibid. 78.31-79.10, in NHL 343) The Nine say that Mary and Joseph had seven other male and three female children besides Jesus, and that Mary was implanted by the Hoova through artificial insemination. But this is not true. They admit that Jesus was birthed from a very high dimension, and unfortunately this means that the records of his origins are not even available to them at their level of understanding and existence. One thing is clear from the Qumran Scrolls is that the Community (the Essenes at Qumran) lived in expectation of two important Messiahs. One would be of the priestly caste, whom they called the "teacher of Righteousness;" the other would be a prince of the line of David?a warrior who would restore the kingdom to his people. Jesus says: "If spirit came into being because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this great wealth (the spirit) has made its home in this poverty (body)." (Gospel of Thomas, 38.33-39.2, In NHL 121) Peter Moon describes a meeting in one of his books with a woman named Anna who was able to astral travel and see her past lives, as many of us can. She remembers being a rebel astrologer in the days of the Essenes when the group was looking for a woman to bear `Christ', and she was one of the candidates. Joseph and Mary were both members of this Essene community?Joseph, a `scholar' of the temple. This Community observed some highly regulated disciplines in relation to dynastic betrothal and matrimony. Therefore, once Mary became `espoused' in contractual wedlock to Joseph, she afterwards was referred to as his `wife.' The original Hebrew word, `almah,' that has incorrectly been translated as `virgin,' actually means `young maiden.' The Hebrew word for virgin is "bethulah." The Greek `virgo' means unmarried not virgin, unless accompanied by intacta (virgo intacta). Mary was already Joseph's wife, so how could she be a virgin? But she still could be a `young maiden' going through a probationary period of spousal during which sexual relations were forbidden by the community's matrimonial discipline. An old monastic complex that stood on the outskirts of the Qumran Community had among its buildings a house where Essene children were born out of wedlock. The Community referred to this house as `Bethlehem of Judea' (See Barbara Thiering Jesus the Man Ch. 9, pp 50-2). If anything, Jesus was born before his mother had served the statutory probationary period as a married woman of the dynastic hierarchy applicable to the Messianic lines of King David and Zadok the Priest. The Essenes preserved the names of the angels within their hierarchy of the members of the priesthood within the community. Thus the Zadok priest was termed `archangel Michael,' and others the `archangel Gabriel', and so on. It was through the mediation of the priest whose title was `Gabriel' that the early pregnancy of Mary was accepted. The bride was still considered an `almah' until the ritual Second Marriage which took place at three months time into the first pregnancy. Mary gave birth at the wrong time. Sunday March 1, 7 BC. The expression "conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost' means the birth was approved by the priest who bore the title Gabriel. The Gospel of Philip, a text found amongst those at Nag Hammadi states, "Some say Mary conceived by the Holy Spirit. They are wrong. They do not know what they are saying." The Gospel of James among the same findings says that Mary was a sacred Temple nun, therefore considered a `holy virgin' (preparing herself for the ultimate `hierogamous'). His parents did not call him Immanu-El (`with us is god'), but Yehoshua (Jehovah saves). Jesus actually had three brothers and four sisters, but he was the firstborn. The second birth, in what would have been equivalent to 0 AD, was that of Jesus' brother James, known as James the Just. The Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Christ, which dates from no later than the second century and possibly before?portrays Jesus as a brilliant but eminently human child. All too human perhaps?for he is portrayed as violent and unruly, prone to shocking displays of temper and a rather irresponsible exercise of his powers. Indeed, on one occasion he strikes dead another child who offends him. A similar fate is visited upon an autocratic mentor. One strange incident that is related in this gospel is that when Jesus was circumcised, his foreskin is said to have been appropriated by an unidentified old woman who preserved it in an alabaster box used for oil of spikenard. "This is the alabaster box (from) which Mary the sinner procured and poured forth the ointment on the head and feet of our Lord Jesus Christ." If this is true, it seems evident here that the anointing had been foreseen and prepared for long in advance of its actual occurrence. And the whole incident implies a connection?albeit an obscure and convoluted one?between the Magdalen and Jesus' family long before Jesus embarked on his mission at the age of thirty. The act of circumcision is all the more strange when its origins are not made clear. Among other reasons, including purportedly serving to make men more docile and socially acceptable, circumcision was said to be done in imitation of the female's menstrual blood, "being performed on boys at the age when girl's first `bled', and even being described among some peoples as `man's menstruation.' For such the essence (essene-ce) of the God that Jesus was supposed to have been, there are so many very human things about him. Circumcision, you see, was also meant to keep the penis clean exactly for the express purpose of not carrying infection during intercourse. At the age of 14, and within a year of his manhood, Jesus is supposed to have begun a long journey in which he went to the Himalayas, and spent a long time in Egypt, learning the ancient mysteries. It is said that he and John the Baptist spent time together in Egypt. Some say he even went to Japan. All we need to know and confirm here is that Jesus DID study the ancient mystery in Egypt. Prof. Fida Hassnain, a Kashmiri historian, in A Search for Historical Jesus from Buddhist, Islamic and Sanskrit Sources, reports that according to the chronicles he found from Persia, India and Tibet, and stemming from these early days when he is supposed to have been out of Palestine learning, that Jesus was `a world teacher'. It is said he became monopolized by the Christian Church, to the exclusion of all the other faiths which had adopted "St. Issa" as a saint and a prophet. However, none of this is true. The Marriage As we have said, Jesus personal life remains hidden from the normal texts available, and is therefore a constant source of debate. Nowhere in the Bible does it state that he was unmarried. At that time, not only was the heir to the Davidic line obliged by law to marry, but he was also required to sire at least two sons. The Gospel does state that many of the disciples were married?Peter, for example. And at no point does Jesus advocate celibacy. As he did not preach it, there is no reason to suppose he practiced it. Celibacy was condemned and marriage was almost mandatory. It was obligatory for a Jewish father to find his son a wife. If celibate, it would have characterized him greatly in the times. One of the Gospels would have mentioned it, for it would have been so unusual as to have attracted comment and much attention. There is no reference to any such celibacy. Jesus' role as a rabbi would have made marriage virtually certain for Jewish Mishnaic Law says: "An unmarried man may not be a teacher." So if he was married, who would have been the most likely candidate? Most advocates of Jesus having been married point to Mary Magdalen (e). In fact, the relationship is openly discussed in The Gospel of Philip: "And the companion of the Saviour is Mary Magdalene. But Christ loved her more than all the disciples, and used to kiss her often on the mouth. The rest of the disciples were offended by it and expressed disapproval. They said unto him, Why do you love her more than all of us? The Saviour answered and said to them, Why do I not love you like her? . . . Great is the mystery of marriage?for without it the world would not have existed. Now the existence of the world depends on man, and the existence of man on marriage." Another concept which comes out of Edgar Cayce's Readings is that we, as individuals, are Israel and that the twelve tribes and what they represent are all aspects of our spiritual selves. This interpretation is one which has a dual existence alongside the factual role of the physical or geographical Israel. Indeed, according to the Readings much of the Bible can be interpreted either physically, mentally, or spiritually, and often on all levels at simultaneously. This three-dimensional theme recurs again and again throughout the Readings as a symbolic trinity representative of the earth plane. Magdalen is called his "companion," but this could also be translated as `spouse'. The particular events as described in the Bible which help support the fact that Jesus was married are first, the marriage feast at Cana. The feast was not the ceremony of the marriage itself, but the sacred meal that precedes the betrothal. The custom was for there to be a formal host; he would be in full charge as the ruler of the feast. Secondary authority rested only in the bridegroom and his mother ?and this is entirely relevant for, when the matter of the Communion wine arose, Jesus' mother said to the servants (John 2:5), `Whatsoever he saith to you, do it'. No invited guests would have had any such right of command. It is plain therefore that Jesus and the bridegroom were one and the same. It is, in fact, curious that his mother was at the wedding in Cana, and that he was specifically "called" to it though he had not started his ministry. The wedding is a lavish affair, very costly, but who the bride and groom were seems to remain anonymous. Mary acts like she is in charge. Why should two guests at the wedding take on the catering? The statement, "The governor of the feast called the bridegroom . . . but thou hast kept the good wine until now," seems to be directly talking to Jesus described as the bridegroom (John 2:9-10). Mary Magdalen was from Migdal or Migdala in Galilee. Her roles in the events of the Bible seem deliberately obscured for some reason. She is hardly mentioned in Mark and Matthew, except as a follower. In Luke she appears quite early while Jesus is preaching in Galilee, and it would seem thus that she accompanies him from Galilee to Judea. In those times, it would have been unthinkable for an unmarried woman to travel unaccompanied ?even more so to travel unaccompanied with a religious teacher and his entourage. Magdalen is not, at any point in the Gospels, said to be a prostitute. She is, however, said to have supported Jesus and his disciples with their financial resources, indicating that she must have been fairly wealthy. The second incident that suggests Jesus being married is the anointing of his head at Simon's house by Mary of Bethany (Matthew 26:6-7 and Mark 14:3)?the oil containing his foreskin appropriated by the unidentified old woman. Not only did she anoint his head, but she also anointed his feet, and wiped them afterwards with her hair. Two and a half years earlier, she had performed this same ritual of foot anointing three months after the Cana wedding feast. This is an allusion to the ancient rite by which a royal bride prepared her bridegroom's table. To perform the rite with spikenard was the express privilege of a Messianic bride, and was performed solely at the First Marriage and Second Marriage ceremonies. Only as a full wife of Jesus, and as a priestess in her own right, could Mary have anointed both his head and his feet with the sacred ointment. Spikenard is the name of the fragrant, sweet-smelling ointment compounded from the nard plant, which in those days grew only in the Himalayan Mountains at heights of around 15,000 ft. and was extremely expensive in those days. It is the plant that Gilgamesh finds and then loses. Does this mean that Mary of Bethany was his spouse? Just as Hebrew men who were appointed to various patriarchal positions took on names that represented their ancestors?such as Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph?so too were the women styled according to their genealogy and rank. Their nominal styles included Rachel, Rebecca, and Sarah. Wives of the Zadok and David male lines held the ranks of Elisheba (Elizabeth) and Miriam (Mary) respectively. It is also why, in compliance with this same practice, Jesus' own wife would also have been Mary. These women had the ceremony of their Second Marriage only once they were three months pregnant, at which time the bride ceased to be an almah and became a designated mother. Sexual relations were permitted only in December: husbands and wives lived apart for the rest of the year. At the outset of a period of separation, the wife was classified as a widow (one rank in status below an almah) and was required to weep for her husband. This is described in Luke 7:38, when Mary of Bethany, on the first occasion, is said to have `stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears'. Once the period of symbolic widowhood had been established, and during these lengthy periods of separation, the wife was given the conventional designation sister, just as the modern nun might be termed. Many of these titles are indeed carried on symbolically in the Catholic Church where the women are termed nuns, sisters, or `brides of Christ'. Who was `Mary of Bethany'? In the Bible she and Martha are only ever referred to as `sisters' at the house of Lazarus of Bethany. Mary's full title was Sister Miriam Magdala ? or, as she is better known, Mary Magdalene. Gregory I, Bishop of Rome (590-604), and St. Bernard, the Cistercian Abbot of Clairvaux (1090-1153), both confirmed that Mary of Bethany was synchronous with Mary Magdalene. Jesus supported the act: (Mark 14:9) `Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her." The betrothal communion took place three months before Mary first anointed Jesus' feet at Simon's house. The rules were strictly defined. Only as Jesus' bride would Mary have been permitted to perform this act as laid down by Messianic tradition. With her First Marriage duly completed in the September, she would also have wept for her husband (as in Luke 7:38) before they were parted for their statutory separation. Prior to this, as a betrothed almah, she would have been classified as a sinner and ranked as a crippled woman. The couple would not have come together for any physical union until the following December. The last event that seems to prove that Jesus was married is the coming from the house: By the tenets of the Judaic law at the time, a woman "sitting shivah" would have been strictly forbidden to emerge from the house except at the express bidding of her husband. Marrying the Magdalen would also have given Jesus greater rights to the title of heir to the messianic throne of David. Saul (the Benjamite line) was the first king of Israel, but was deposed by David of the Tribe of Judah. David not only deprived the Benjamites of their claim to the throne but by establishing his capital as Jerusalem, he deprived them of their rightful inheritance as well. Jesus might have been looked upon as a usurper, unless, however, he was married to a Benjamite woman. Tradition states that the Magdalen was of the Tribe of Benjamin. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and John also all cite the Magdalen as being present at the crucifixion. None of them cites Mary of Bethany. It is to Mary Magdalen that he first appears at the empty tomb, and it was to her that Jesus chose to reveal his resurrection. The significance of Jesus having been married is the question of whether or not he had any children, thus implanting his genes into the gene pool of the world. This we shall take up a little later. Why it has been covered up is because so much of Jesus' divinity rests in his `being born of the Virgin Mary' and ascending into heaven after `being crucified, dead and buried'. The power of the priesthood comes only from having a divine being that people are willing to worship and thereby use the services of a priest as an intermediary. We shall take up this trail also in a later chapter. "He did have loving physicalness with a woman, but that does not mean he offspringed children," say the Nine. The Ministry One modern expert on the Dead Sea Scrolls believes that the scrolls "give added ground for believing that many incidents (in the New Testament) are merely projections into Jesus' own history of what was expected of the Messiah." In fact, some scholars suggest that Jesus, familiar as he was with the prophecies of the Patriarchs, actually scripted his life around these prophecies. At the time of his father's death in AD 23, the prevailing Zadok priest was Jesus' own kinsman, John the Baptist. At age 30, Jesus, following the role we have seen Akhenaton and others set, decided to create his own organized party of supporters: a party that would not follow any conventional social policy. In doing this, Jesus became a threat not only to Herod and his faction (the Herodians), and to the Romans in general, but also to the sectarian nationalists (the Pharisees and the Sadducees) who sought Jewish supremacy over the Gentiles. In fact, for all his apparent humility, there is very little to portray anything faint-hearted or pacifist about Jesus, leaving it to us to suggest that Jesus was in fact the latter of the two messiahs the Essenes had been waiting for, `a prince of the line of David?a warrior who would restore the kingdom to his people.' "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword'. (Matthew 10:34) And the Gospels appear to indicate that his envoys followed blindly in this cause, many of them carrying swords. Peter had one when Jesus was arrested, and used it to cut off one of the guard's ears. It is no secret to Bible readers that the Apostles were armed. At the start of his campaign, Jesus says, "He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." (Luke 22:36) Jesus is often said to have spoken in the form of `parables'. These were frequently political, and were based on actual people and real situations. Indeed the majority of Jesus' activities were cleverly disguised, as was the Essene way, so that "those who had the ears to hear' would understand, whereas others would not. So it is with the story of the temptation in the desert. Although it is a story for `those who have the ears to hear' and can be translated on that level, as we shall do, it is also an allegory for Lucifer, Jesus, and all of us about the power of choice?never forgetting that in all things, the FATHER has given us Free Will. Adam was given authority over planet Earth, including its creatures and its elements. "And God blessed them and God said to them, `Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.'" (Genesis 1:28) Adam had complete power of attorney when he chose to reject God and follow Satan. Legal ownership of mankind, animals, and the Earth, was then transferred to Satan. "Jesus certainly knew Satan had won legal right to the world. When Satan personally tempted Jesus, displaying at that time his ability to deceive. The Scriptures say, "And the devil said to Him, "I will give you all this domain and its glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I give It to whomever I wish." (Luke 4:6). (Satan is Alive) In terms of the Essene coded language, it was as Chief of the Scribes for the Community at the time, that Judas Sicariote (Judas Iscariote) also held the post of `the tempter'. It was thus with Judas that Jesus debated when he was `led up of the Spirit into the Wilderness to be tempted of the devil'. Judas was at that time seeking to become the `Father' level priest in the place of John the Baptist. The gist of the negotiation with Jesus was that if Jesus would support Judas' claim to priestly eminence, he would assist Jesus to become king. `All this power I will give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.' In the case of the `miracle' of turning water into wine, the great significance of Jesus' action was that he took it upon himself to break with tradition: he abandoned the water entirely and allowed the `unclean' guests to take the sacred wine, translated in the Bible as turning `water into wine'. The events of Palm Sunday related in the Bible were meant to remind people of Simon Maccabaeus who delivered Palestine from Syria in the 142 BC Maccabean Revolt. Jesus was not well known at the time, and did not receive the acclaim he had expected, or hoped for: Matthew 21:10: "And when he was come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, Who is this?" Thus he decided to play up his entrance in a form that had been tradition from the time of Solomon, that Davidic kings all rode to their coronations on mules, for it had been prophesied in the Old Testament book of Zecharia (9:9). . `and riding on an ass'. Communion with consecrated bread and wine was an age-old Essene tradition, not a product of later Christianity symbolizing the body and blood of Jesus. As we have now found out, it was easier to have communion with or `commun-icate' with the Lord after partaking of the particular Bread of Life known as shem-an-na. The Crucifixion In a recently channeled message from Sananda (Jesus) on a very popular website, this being explained a part of hat went on with the crucifixion of Jesus: "The crucifixion was not something that happened by accident. The plan for this event was formulated thousands of years ago during a period of history known as Atlantis. Over thousands of years the way for this event was prepared through the focus of the Mystery Schools of Egypt. These Mystery Schools were founded by wise men that left Atlantis before the destruction of that continent. The understanding of how and why to set up this event was given to these wise men by Melchizedek, a name mentioned in the Christian bible. "I lived a lifetime as an Atlantean king and was also martyred during it. I was captured and killed. The person that betrayed my hiding place was the same being known as Judas during the lifetime as Jesus. In Atlantis the kings were also priests and holders of great knowledge including the ability to use energy. Writings left behind tell of the focus of the Mystery Schools to place and hold the crucifixion event in the scenario of the earth milestones toward advancement of the current human race. If these records are found, decoded and given to humanity rather than kept hidden through the influence of the Catholic Church, the misinterpretations and outright lies that have been used to control the masses of Christians believers will be clearly revealed." 2006-12-02 |