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The Killing of a President
From Where Were You Before The Tree of Life? Vol 5
by Peter Farley . . .How limited the human mind is in being able to grasp the concept of a conspiracy so big as to have lasted tens of thousands of years. The following excerpts from Contract on America The Mafia Murder of President John F. Kennedy by David Scheim, even show how long (and how obvious) has been the relationship between these ruling families, the political and judicial arms of the United States, and one of its enforcing agencies?organized crime: The Assassination of Malcolm X "But there were problems with the official reconstruction of the crime. Talmadge Hayer, the apprehended and admitted assailant, had a criminal record but no credibly established Muslim ties. Buttler and Johnson, on the other hand, were proud and well-known Muslims. But they were picked up at home well after the fact, maintained their innocence throughout and were implicated by witnesses of dubious credibility. "Particularly questionable was the prosecution's star witness, Cary Thomas, a one-time narcotics pusher with several arrests and Army courts-martial. A bodyguard for Malcolm X at the fateful Audobon Ballroom engagement, Thomas "stood there transfixed through the shooting . . . and then ignominiously ducked." He did not furnish any information about the killing for six weeks, and then presented contradictory accounts incriminating Hayer, Butler and Johnson. Also shaky was the testimony of Charles X Blackwell, the only other witness who implicated all three men. Blackwell first told police that he didn't know who did the shooting, then rearranged the roles of the alleged assassins. Finally, under cross-examination, he admitted that he had lied under oath. "Another gap in the case against Butler and Johnson was the absence of any physical evidence incriminating them. The pistol allegedly fired by Butler was never found and the shotgun allegedly fired by Johnson could not be traced to him by either fingerprints or purchase history.. Further clouding the case was the failure of police to identify or apprehend others whom they believe ordered and abetted the killing. According to Newsweek editor Peter Goldman, "Their guesses at the number of men actually involved ranged from four to six or seven?three guns, plus one or two people to create diversions and maybe get in the way of the bodyguards, plus one or two getaway drivers." "Some of these suspects were apparently within Malcolm's organization; as one investigator remarked, "he was definitely set up for it." Malcolm's bodyguards were not armed, nobody was searched, police presence was limited, and no one was on stage with Malcolm at the time of the slaying. All this was purportedly done on Malcolm's instructions yet was contrary to usual procedure. Particularly suspicious was one bodyguard whom policed described as a "professional hood," who suddenly came into money just before the assassination. When the diversionary quarrel started, he left his post and skipped town before police could question him. "The theory that co-religionists killed Malcolm X suffered another setback when assailant Talmadge Hayer addressed the judge toward the end of the trial. Hayer stated he had just been telling Butler and Johnson that I know they didn't have anything to do with the crime that was committed at the Audobon Ballroom February 21, that I didn't take in it and that I know for a fact that they wasn't there, and I wanted this to be known to the jury and the court, the judge. "Hayer refused to name his confederates but did furnish this information: QQ: . . . did somebody ask you and Yohers to shoot and kill Malcolm X? Hayer: Well, yes, sir . . . QQ: Did this person tell you why he wanted to hire you and these others to assassinate Malcolm X? Hayer: No, sir. Q: Were any of them, to your knowledge, Black Muslims? Hayer: No, they weren't . . . QQ: What was your motive? Hayer: Money. "There was one organization that Hayer would not have fingered at any cost?the same organization known for using associates of the victim, perjured witnesses and corrupted officials to assist and cover up its murders. And, given the crusade of Malcolm X against ghetto rackets, plus his exhortation to declare an "all-out war against organized crime," the same group had a clear motive for his murder. Indeed, the possibility that the Mafia killed Malcolm X was proposed by CORE leader James Farmer, as reported in Ebony magazine: "Farmer had conferred with Malcolm in his Greenwich Village apartment shortly before the young firebrand departed for a trip to Mecca. Without revealing the content of their conversation, Farmer had since repeatedly hinted that Malcolm was killed because of his crusade against the drug traffic. "In his book, Freedom When?, Farmer writes: "Malcolm's killers have not been convicted and I have a hunch that the real story of his death will surprise those who saw it as a case of Muslim revenge. Malcolm was warring on the international narcotics interests in Harlem and they were not pleased about it." The Assassination of RFK: "The key to unraveling this mystery may lie in thousands of documents collected during the investigation that for nearly twenty years were locked away in Los Angeles Police files. All that was released was a widely expurgated summary that is of no value to scholars. Finally, in December 1986, after calls to open these files from two Los Angeles newspapers and several concerned citizens, Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley fulfilled a promise to press for such disclosure, and the City Council passed a resolution to effect it. Although these RFK files have been turned over to the California State Archives, nothing has been released as of this writing. It is imperative that this evidence be expeditiously and fully disclosed. "If in fact hints of underworld involvement in the RFK killing are true, we have come full circle in the Mafia's contract on America. For recall that on February 15, 1933, Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak was shot together with several bystanders as Guiseppe Zangara stepped forward and fired his revolver. Cermak, who dies after accusing the mob of the shooting, had, like Robert Kennedy, aroused its wrath by intensive official action against it. And Zangara, the conjectured victim of a Mafia squeeze play, was, like Sirhan, a drifter who spent much of his time betting at race tracks. "But most chillingly reminiscent of the Cermak slaying was the role of suspected second gunman Gene Cesar. For, according to noted sociologist Saul Alinsky, the way Cermak was killed had "been commonly known for many years in many circles in Chicago." As quoted earlier from The Bootleggers by Kennedy Allsop, "In the crowd near Zangara was another armed man?a Capone killer. In the flurry of shots six people were hit?but the bullet that struck Cermak was a .45, and not from the .32-calibre pistol used by Zangara, and was fired by the unknown Capone man who took advantage of the confusion to accomplish his mission." (^Like JFK and RFK's killers, there has always been at least one other professional to do the job while the front man takes the blame) Nixon and the Mafia: "Another of Nixon's closest advisers and friends was Murray Chotiner, a lawyer who had represented leading Syndicate figures during his career. Dubbed "the one that made Nixon," Chotiner helped him achieve his first public position. And Chotiner managed Nixon's political ascension from California congressman to vice presidential nominee during the same three year period in which he and his brother defended Syndicate figures in a total of 221 prosecutions. Chotiner also conceived the melodramatic "Checkers" speech when a secret fund scandal threatened to force Nixon off the Eisenhower ticket in 1952 (*The grooming of Nixon for the presidency). This close relationship continued throughout Nixon's presidency, as demonstrated by a private office Chotiner occupied in the Nixon White House. "Chotiner's several Mob associates included D'Alton Smith, who was close with Carlos Marcello and produced rock music festivals in California under Marcello's sponsorship. Both Chotiner and Smith were instrumental in the last stage of the seven-year Mob-Teamster campaign to thwart Jimmy Hoffa's criminal prosecution. This campaign was marked by a barrage of bribery, intimidation and perjury, whose "audacity and sweep," as LIFE magazine noted, few Mob fixes "could top." It finally succeeded, with the intervention of Chotiner and Smith, when Nixon commuted Hoffa's prison term in December 1971. "Walter Sheridan, a former Kennedy Justice Department officer, had warned journalist Clark Mollenhoff earlier: "It's all set for the Nixon Administration to spring Jimmy Hoffa . . .I'm told Murray Chotiner is handling it with the Las Vegas Mob." The commutation was granted four months after a U.S. parole board unanimously rejected such a release. It allowed Hoffa to serve just five years of a 13- year sentence for jury tampering and defrauding the teamsters of almost $2 million. Nixon, The Teamsters, The Mafia "The New York Times called Nixon's pardon of Hoffa " a pivotal element in the strange love affair between the Administration and the two million-member truck union, ousted from the rest of the labor movement in 1957 for "racketeer domination." This strange kinship was further demonstrated by the Nixon Administration's repeated interventions to quash prosecutions and investigations of teamster criminal activity, as outlined in a Los Angeles Times lead editorial entitled "Nixon, the Teamsters, the Mafia." (*No wonder trucking has become the number one way to move things in the USA , carrying the lifeblood of the country and also threatening to shut off the valve at any time things are threatened against them or their controllers.) "One such intervention began with a conclave at La Costa Country Club, "A Mafia watering hole" in Carlsbad, California. The participants were Teamster president Frank Fitzsimmons, Allen Dorfman, Chicago Mafia boss Anthony Accardo and other Mob figures. The meeting, which occurred February 9-12, 1973, soon turned to routine business: a massive scam of teamster welfare funds. The particular scheme under consideration called for teamster members to be enrolled in prepaid medical plans, which would kick back 7 percent of their business to People's Industrial Consultants?a Los Angeles front for the Mob. The take would then be divided among Mob and teamster bosses. The potential bonanza was huge, with $1 billion in projected annual business. The conversations at la Costa outlining the scheme were disclosed by several sources?most notably FBI electronic surveillance of People's Industrial Consultants. "On February 9, 1973, while the Mob-Teamster discussions were in progress, White House aides H.R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, John Dean and Richard Moore also met at La Costa Country Club, for about 12 hours, to discuss Watergate strategy. Some of Nixon's own staff members found the proximity shocking. On February 12, the last day of the Mobster-teamster discussions, Teamster boss Fitzsimmons flew back to Washington with president Nixon on Air Force One. A month later, Attorney general Richard Kleindienst denied an FBI request to continue electronic surveillance of people's Industrial Consultants. Through aides, Kleindienst characterized the surveillance as" unproductive," to the amazement of FBI agents. On the contrary, as the New York Times reported, the surveillance "had begun to penetrate connections between the Mafia and the teamsters union." The Times called the termination of surveillance an instance of "the perversion of justice that pose[d] as law and order" in the Nixon Administration." Paul Laxalt, Ronald Reagan, and the Mafia "Paul Laxalt's relationship with Ronald Reagan was summarized by a senior aide to the President" "Paul Laxalt is both his closest friend and most trusted advisor." Laxalt, who as a senator visited Reagan several times per week, was described as the "First friend" and called the President's "eyes and ears" in the Senate. He was also Reagan's campaign manager in 1976 , 1980 and 1984 and nominated him for president in those three years. "In contrast to Laxalt's White House connection, however, were several relationships of a less savory character. Most shocking was his long-standing association with Allen Dorfman, a convicted extortionist who presided over the drain of teamster pension funds into Mob enterprises. Laxalt acknowledged their close relationship in a 1971 letter to Richard Nixon requesting Jimmy Hoffa's release from prison: "Dear president Dick, "The other day I had an extended discussion with Al Dorfman of the teamsters, with whom I've worked closely the past few years . . This discussion, which described in detail the personal vendetta that Bobby Kennedy had against Hoffa, together with other information provided me over the years, leads me to the inevitable conclusion that Jim is a victim of Kennedy's revenge. (*And why revenge if not that the Mobster-affiliated Teamster Union boss was a part of the assassination of Bobby's brother John?) "Laxalt described Hoffa as a "political prisoner" and asked Nixon to release him. Laxalt then once again alluded to his connection with Dorfman, whom Justice department officials cited as the person "most responsible" for turning the Teamsters pension fund "into a series of mob loans." "While I don't know Mr. Hoffa personally, I have had occasion to have a great deal of contact with Mr. Dorfman . . ." "Dorfman's Mob identity was brought home by his 1983 murder, a gangland-style slaying by ski-masked killers in a Chicago parking lot. Standing at his side was Irwin Weiner, the highly placed Chicago Mobster whose pre-assassination contact with Jack Ruby has been discussed. "Moe Dalitz, a Las Vegas Mobster, is another long-standing friend of Laxalt. After Laxalt's election to the U.S. Senate in 1974, Dalitz reportedly claimed, "Laxalt is my boy, I put him there." Laxalt received a total of nearly $50,000 in his two senate campaigns from Dalitz and several others linked by federal law enforcement agencies to organized crime. Laxalt, quoted in the Wall Street Journal, said of Dalitz: "he's been so decent to me over the years, there's no way? I don't care what the political considerations would be?I would turn my back on him." "Another criminal backer of Laxalt was Ruby Kolod, a key fund-raiser for Laxalt's successful 1966 bid for the Nevada governership. Laxalt admitted that Kolod, who had been convicted of fraud and extortion in 1965, "did help us tremendously." Other supporters of Laxalt, who contributed to his campaigns for the U.S. Senate, included the late Sydney Wyman, formerly an illegal gambling operator and partner of gangster Bugsy Siegel; Allen Glick, whom an FBI affidavit called a front for the Chicago Syndicate; Frank "lefty" Rosenthal, another Chicago Mob front; Morris Shenker, who informants swore in an FBI affidavit did the Kansas City Mob's bidding; and Benny Binion, a racket boss with reported ties to the Texas underworld. "Laxalt also exhibited a disturbing toleration of the underworld in one of his key business partnerships. In 1970, after his term as Nevada governor expired, Laxalt and his brother Peter built the Ormsby House gambling casino in Carson City, Nevada. A third partner in the venture and its chief source of investment capital was Bernard Nemerov, who by then had accumulated "a long, documented history of association with some of the most notorious members of the national crime syndicate." "In November, 1983, the Sacramento Bee published an investigative feature, as exhaustive as it was explosive, on Laxalt's questionable past. Written by Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Denny Walsh, the story led with charges by IRS agents that substantial skimming took place at Ormsby House in the early 1970s and went on to say that those profits, some $2 million per year, were funneled to organized crime. A year later, Laxalt sued the Bee's parent company for $250 million; the case was settled out of court, with no monetary damages awarded, in June 1987. Though the settlement agreement required the defense to concede that it could not prove the IRS agents' allegations of skimming at Ormsby House, the Bee retracted none of the story. In fact, the ties to refuted Mobsters, particularly in financing the Ormsby House?were left unchallenged in the settlement. "Given the above entanglements, it is no surprise that as an elected official, Laxalt took steps to restrain federal action against the underworld. In 1981, Laxalt spoke with President Reagan and met three times with then-Attorney General William French Smith to protest aggressive investigations of the Mob by the FBI and the Justice Department's organized crime strike force in Las Vegas. (*Notice how organized crime is rarely mentioned in the media anymore?) "Claiming that the probes were hurting the city's casino industry, Laxalt complained to the Miami herald: "We have far more bureau agents than we need." According to organized crime expert Dan Moldea, Laxalt also pledged to use his influence on the Senate Appropriations Committee to rein in the federal investigators in Nevada." Jack Ruby: "When a policeman brought Ruby the news that Oswald had died: "Jack, it looks like it's going to be the electric chair," Ruby immediately relaxed from his previous extremely nervous and agitated state. Archer observed that it seemed as if Ruby's life had depended on killing Oswald. "CD123 refers to the Commission department 123 in the collection n the assassination of President Kennedy in the National Archives. National Archives documents are generally cited only when they are omitted or not reproduced faithfully in the published 26-volume Hearings and Exhibits." Power is more than just controlling money. In a famous scene from The Godfather Part 3, Al Pacino's character Don Corleone laments his inability to go straight because ?the higher I go, the dirtier it gets." Economic destabilization is essential to the New World Order's final takeover. As we have seen in the past few volumes, this has been taking place throughout the world for centuries. It is implemented through a slower but most efficient process, controlled by a very few families under the auspices of the leaders of the New World Order. This process currently under way will eventually cause the entire financial system of the West to collapse. The people involved are the same people who cause the price of oil to go up and then, after convincing European neighbors to agree to these price rises, provide that the yield coming from the price rises will be paid to the 'International Reserve Bank', which is entirely at their command. The Reserve Bank hands the money over to a 'holding bank' who lavishly loans the money to Third World countries for usurious rates of interest. "The holding bank receives the interest paid by the underdeveloped countries, then puts it into another 'holding bank' which, in turn, invests the huge quantity of money on behalf of the Arabs." "Those investments are made into thriving large businesses. In the meantime, only small interests are sent to Arab countries. "Those who engineered the plan were perfectly aware that the leaders of the underdeveloped countries would be tempted to pocket a good percentage of the moneys so that few of the people would see any but the slightest benefit." Albert Pike 33? Mason--"The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests, calumniate him? Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also god. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two gods: darkness being necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive." And many of us have bought into this madness that this kind of control and darkness is of the Creator's doing. 2005-11-02 |