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The Origins of Darkness and the Road to Recovery Part 5
The Origins of Darkness and the Road to Recovery Part 5
by Peter R. Farley and Andre Gonzattti (using the Spiritual Hierarchy and Erlothar of the Council of Light's Central Sun Library of Constellations) How the Dark Sun originated Thoth knew how to shift vibration, the alchemy similar to quickly cooling hot metal or heating cool metal, until it would shift its vibration and turn into another substance. The "heating" is the acceleration of soul's vibration that turns it into the "substance" of another dimension and shifts the consciousness to that of another level with which the vibration resonates. This is the idea of turning base metals into precious ones which is the keystone of all organizations founded on the ancient mysteries. The soul can increase it's vibration to infinite levels, as long as it is able to take in and synchronize itself with the energies of the next dimension. Each dimension further up the ladder is more "refined" and only allows lighter personalities to remain within it. As the 12th dimension is closer to the true dimensions of SOURCE, only energies closer and closer to SOURCE are allowed near its center. Other patterns fall like a rock, and whereas a rock would gain speed, these created patterns gain in size because what is created on higher ground is magnified on its way down because at higher frequencies space holds far more energy than on lower levels. The lower levels cannot hold as much energy in the same amount of space so it is spread out, larger and with much greater influence, by occupying a "larger" fraction than it did on a higher level. A bubble on the 7th dimension that occupies 10 spaces would occupy 637 spaces on the 6th dimension, considering that these spaces are all filled with the same amount of energy. The Origins of Darkness and the Road to Recovery Part 6 by Peter R. Farley and Andre Gonzattti (using the Spiritual Hierarchy and Erlothar of the Council of Light's Central Sun Library of Constellations) The source of Kochab/Kolob, this imperial dark sun, originated in the same principle of a fire burning upon an endless supply or air and wood that never ran out. The lords of the Dark Council began playing with programs that made souls increase their vibration levels ever further, taking them up and up until their thought patterns were no longer allowed by the higher dimensional level resonance (These are the ideas elaborated on in the series on Dream War technology). So was created the first inter dimensional egoistic "Dark Sun" bound by self-will, made out of Soul that was set to have its vibration pushed up eternally, or until it would stop by its own decision. This Dark Sun was made with the help of Merkaba Light Body frequency programmed to increase on and on, sustained by energy creation up to whatever level it can reach.... vibrating and spiraling at the limit speed and generating more and more energy with the heat it emanates because it can't go any further. Without movement towards a higher ground it produces heat instead and balances itself on that eternal attempt to move up until it is able to shift. This sun is sometimes able to shift into the border of the 7th dimensional level of reality, but no further, because from then on it becomes separated. This shows the growing infection of the higher dimensional levels currently taking place. 2005-03-03 |