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the politics of hunger - a final warning
The Politics of Hunger - A Final Warning

There is no easier way to control humanity than by controlling the
sources of their food and metering it out as and when you see fit
depending on the 'dogs salivating' for you as you need or want them to.
This is an essential paart of these 'last days' of turmoil before
everything slips into complete chaos.

If you watch the BBC news or something with a little broader base than
the network news, you will see this is aleady a major part of what's
going on around the world in poorer or more impoverished nations,
impoverished mostly by the West's desire to control the great natural
and mineral resources of such countries.

As of yesterday with the food Guidance has led Sue Ann and I to stock
away in this house we could have probably fed 6-7 adults minimally for
more than a year. Tied in with the seeds and ability to grow fresh
vegetables this would have at least been a 'fairly comfortable'

When Guidance then had us go out and buy 25lbs more of rice and 25lbs
more of beans and sundry other food stuffs, not to mention the plastic
utensils to feed a number of 'extra' people, then what does that tell
you about the seriousness of what's around the bend and where you stand
with regards to your own ability to take care of your own needs for such
a period of time, let alone to be of aid to those also in need who may
be led to you for your assistance?

Your probably don't have the luxury of a year to prepare for things ,
depening upon where you reside. As Andy foud out the other day, losing
your job all of a sudden shifts you into a new pargm all togehter, one
Andy's Guidance has at least had him preparing for the eventuality of
for quite some time.

I've been in Florida during hurricane season and seen the panic that
sweeps over people in times of fear and possible physical danger. And,
as you can probably guess, it's panic related to self-survival - theirs
not yours.

If you understand anything about what's going on with the government's
seeming attempts to 'fix' or 'right' the fallen economy, then you
probably feel like you're beign raped blind every time you turn on the
TV. People in other countries overseas know to get out in the streets
when things get bad. In America, people turn to Big Brother to be
rescued, and when Big Brother cares only about his other brothers and
not you and I, thena new dawning of awareness of the New orld Order
awakens within you but always too late to be of any real assistance in
gettting yourself out of the mess YOU have allowed the Matrix and your
blind trust in the government and big business to put you in.

There's only ONE form of Guidance that will help yuo right now, as Andy
well knows, and that's your own personal Guidance. I've been telling you
for years to start building your own ark - the conenction between you
and your own personal Guidance, and if you haven't by now then don't
come running to anyone who has done the difficult work of conencting on
a moment-by-moment basis with their own because Spirit is going to tell
them that people MUST take responsibility for their own decisions and
that the Spiritual thing to do is not give them comfort or aid, but to
let them reap the fruits of the seeds they HAVE NOT sown. No Spiritual
welfare programs for those who have the ability to do the work but have
chosen not to.

Spirituality is a self-help program earned best by assisting others as
ONLY Guidance knows how.

With Love and Support , Peter
