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the real new world order
The Real New World Order
By Peter Farley (based on the works of Antony Sutton)

It is no wonder that members of the Skull and Bones Society founded at
Yale University in 1833 call themselves The Order, for indeed this
brotherhood is the central hydra-head of the many headed New World
Order now responsible for bringing the final aspects of the New World
Order\'s plans to fruition.

In his book, America\'s Secret Establishment: An introduction to the Order
of Skull & Bones, Antony C. Sutton (Trine Day Walterville, OR 2002) does
an amazing job of outlining just how this American chapter of a German
secret society has, over the past 170 years, basically taken control of the
whole world and made slaves of us all to an Orwellian State which has no
concern for the individual rights of man.

In simplistic terms, Sutton describes how The Order has taken the
philosophy of playing the Left against the Right to achieve an objective in
the middle. This is attributed to Hegel but truthfully it is an old
Freemasonic/Templar technique similar also to the Machiavellian idea
they use of pitting two sides against each other to further their own third,
unheralded objective.

Hegelianism glorifies the State. In Hegelian Statism, as in Naziism and
Marxism, the State is supreme, and the individual exists only to serve the
State. The U.S. two-party Republican-Democrat system is simply a
reflection of this Hegelianism and becoming more evidently so. A small
group—a very small group—by using Hegel, can manipulate, and to some
extent, control society for its own purposes.

An easy example of this is how the Skull and Bones become a major force
in the drug smuggling business (primarily through The Order families of
Bush and Prescott in the 1860s). In true Hegelian fashion, The Order also
generated its other side as well (the antithesis), the so-called \"war on
drugs\". This hypocritical policy thereby maintains the price of drugs,
controls supply, and puts millions in jail while the gainers, in great part,
are none other than the same \"Bonesmen\" who pass the laws to prohibit
it (Bonesman, Taft, 1904).

This pitting of Right against Left is a most effective control device. For
Hegelians, the State is almighty, and seen as the `March of God on Earth\"
(an attitude becoming more and more evident in the current President\'s
(George W. Bush, member 1968) attitudes, indeed, a State religion.
Progress in the Hegelian State is through contrived conflict: the clash of
opposites makes for progress. If you can control the opposites, you
dominate the nature of the outcome. Start a war in Iraq and an opposition
will form which will keep people\'s eyes off The Order\'s true agenda.

Much like their predecessors, The Knights Templars, did before them, by
financing and encouraging the growth of both philosophies or sides (say in
a war) The Order can control the outcome to a significant extent. This
Hegellian idea, however, requires suppression of individualist tendencies
and a careful spoon-feeding of approved knowledge. Writing in the 1980s,
Sutton uses the `power crunch\' in California as an example:
\"Today in California, one can see in real time the use of controlled conflict
to achieve a desired outcome. The debate over the energy crisis is
carefully contained to a debate over price caps and price control.
Republicans want no caps and no controls. Most democrats want price
controls through caps.
\"But look at what is NOT discussed anywhere. The entire spectrum of
almost free energy, based on a decade of research is carefully kept out of
the discussion. Isn\'t this highly relevant to an energy crisis?\'

Another example Sutton uses is Monsanto Corporation\'s development of
genetic engineering and predator seed, a barely-concealed effort for world
domination of agriculture. He makes the mistake, however, of
assuming \"nothing this outrageous can survive forever\" –it has, so far.

The official Establishment History of the world, the history which
dominates history textbooks, trade publishing, the media and library
shelves, Sutton writes, always assumes that events such as wars,
revolutions, scandals, assassinations, are more or less random
unconnected events. By definition events can NEVER be the result of a
conspiracy, they can never result from premeditated planned group action,
but his research only goes to prove what most of us already know –it isn\'t.

According to Sutton, the only reasonable explanation for recent history in
the United States is that there exists \"a conspiracy to use political power
for ends which are inconsistent with the Constitution.\" He calls this the
Devil\'s view of history.

While others have known it for more than 150 years as Chapter 322 of a
German secret society, the American chapter of this German order was
founded in 1833 at Yale University by General William Huntington Russell
and Alphonso Taft who, in 1876, became Secretary of War in the Grant
Administration. Alphonso Taft was also the father of William Howard Taft,
the only man to be both President and Chief Justice of the United States.

While there are two other senior societies at Yale, there are none
elsewhere. Scroll and Key and Wolf\'s Head are supposedly competitive
societies founded in the mid-19th century. Sutton says he believes these
to be part of the same network (other hydra-heads of the NWO) and that
anyone in the Eastern Liberal Establishment who is not a member of Skull
and Bones is almost certainly a member of either Scroll and Key or Wolf\'s

Each year 15, and only 15 .new members are selected for initiation. In
selection emphasis is placed on athletic ability—the ability to play on a
team. The most unlikely potential member of The Order is a loner, an
iconoclast, an individualist, the man who goes his own way in the world.
(It takes) a man who understands that to get along you have to go
along. . . Honors and financial rewards are guaranteed by the power of
The Order but the price of these honors and rewards is sacrifice to the
common goal, the goal of The Order.

Immediately upon entering Bones, the neophyte\'s name is changed and
(he) becomes Knight so and so. The old Knights are then known as
Patriarch so and so. Over the more than a century and a half span of its
existence, a group of 20-30 families has emerged to dominate The Order.
There is significant inter-marriage among the families to keep the power
an elite.

Members are ALL males and almost ALL WASPS (White Anglo Saxon
Protestant) though token Jews and Blacks and Asians have been admitted
over the past few decades.

William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft went far. Russell founded
the Collegiate and Commercial Institute in New Haven, Conn. Taft was
Secretary of War in 1876—the first of several members of The Order to
hold down this post into the 1950s.

Ron Rosenbaum, in his article \"Last Secrets of Skull and Bones\" (Esquire,
Sept 77), writes \"The power of Bones is incredible. They\'ve got their
hands on every level of power in the country.\"

Their center is on the East Coast of the United States, particularly New
York and New Haven, Conn . As late as 1950 only three members resided
in Los Angeles, while 28 members resided in New Haven, Conn.

\"The plan on which they act – That only he who wears upon his breast
Their emblem, he for every post shall be considered best.\"

End of Part 1

The Real New World Order Part 2
Peter Farley (based on the research and writings of Antony Sutton)

Sutton continues: \"The Order has either set up or penetrated just
about every significant research, policy, and opinion-making
organization in the United States, in addition to the Church,
business, law, government and politics . . . The evolution of
American society is not, and has not been for a century, a voluntary
development reflecting individual opinion, ideas and decisions at the
grass roots. On the contrary, the broad direction has been created
artificially and stimulated by The Order.

Everyone who knows the secrets of the New World Order knows that
there has always been what researchers of the subject call \"The Great
Plan\". This is the basic outline followed since the time of Thoth and
the ancient first Atlantian-Egyptians to bring about the rising of a
new Atlantis –the proverbial rising of the Phoenix from deep within
its own self-inflicted immolation.

As their part of this great plan, back in the 1880s, The Order (Skull
and Bones Society) had the foresight to create both the American
Historical Association and the American Economic Association—under
their terms, with their people and with their objectives.

Among academic associations the American Historical Association, the
American Economic Association, the American Chemical Society, and the
American Psychological Association were all started by members of the
Order or persons close to The Order. These are the key associations
for the conditioning of society, and always The Order keep a
continuing presence among their Foundation trustees. Where money is
concerned, The Order always stays around to keep an eye on

The First Chairman of another influential but almost unknown
organization established in 1910 was also a member of The Order. In
1920 Theodore Marburg founded the American Society for the Judicial
Settlement of International Disputes, but Marburg was only President.
The First chairman was member William Howard Taft (Order member \'78).
The Society was the forerunner of the League to Enforce the Peace,
which later developed into the League of Nations concept and
ultimately into the United Nations.

The major establishment law firms in New York are saturated with The
Order. There is also, what Sutton terms, a \"significant penetration\"
into communications with the likes of Henry Luce (Time-Life), William
Buckley (National Review), Alfred Cowles (Cowles Communications) and
John Chipman Farrar (Farrar, Straus, the publishers) all being

The oil companies have their links to The Order (Shell Oil, Standard
Oil, and Creole Petroleum in particular), as well as lumber
(Weyerhaeuser,) and manufacturing (the Donnelley family in Chicago).

A dozen members can be linked to the Federal Reserve, but one
appointment is most noteworthy. Pierre Jay (\'92), whose only claim to
fame in 1913 was to run a private school and be an obscure Vice
President of Manhattan Bank, became the First chairman of the New
York Federal Reserve—the really significant Reserve Bank.

While only about 2 percent of The Order is in the Church (all
Protestant denominations –other religious centers having their
own `hydra-heads\' –witness Pope John Paul\'s burial in 3 coffins, one
engraved with the Skull and Bones symbol) the key fact here is that
they heavily influence religious instruction through their
association with the Union Theological Seminary, affiliated with
Columbia University in New York, and the Yale School of Divinity.

The elements in society that most have to be changed in order to
bring about this New World Order are:
1. Education –how the population of the future will behave.
2. Money –the means of holding wealth and exchanging goods,
3. Law –the authority to enforce the will of the state, a world law
and a world court is
needed for a world state,
4. Politics –the direction of the State,
5. Economy – the creation of the wealth,
6. History –what people believe happened in the past,
7. Psychology –the means of controlling how people think,
8. Philanthropy – so that people think well of the controllers,
9. Medicine – the power over health, life and death (witness the
government involvement
now in not only the right to life but also now
over the right to die),
10. Religion – people\'s spiritual beliefs, the spur to action for
many (the reason so few
act because they have no real beliefs or
believe in something unreal)
11. Media –what people know and learn about current events,
12. Continuity –the power to appoint who follows in your footsteps.

Occupation Percent of members involved (approx)
Law 18 percent
Education 16 percent
Business 16 percent
Finance 15 percent
Industry 12 percent

These five occupations account for more than three quarters of the
membership, and these are the key fields for control of society.
Government and politics account for only about 3 percent at any one
time, however, this is misleading, as any member in the above five
fields can find himself temporarily in and out of government through
the `revolving door\" phenomenon. Notable the areas of society least
represented are those with the least ability to influence the
structural direction of society.

Constant involvement and supervision of these areas is not always
necessary. The Order has found that they only need to be the ones to
set up the system, put their people in place, and then oversee from
afar what goes on. Human beings are conditioned animals, once the
conditioning process is set up they will then continue on their own
and even be the self-same ones to pass this conditioning along to
their own future generations. The initial objective has therefore
always been to be the ones to establish the direction in an
organization. Selection of managers, intuitive or amoral enough to
catch on to the direction, keep the momentum going. This is nowhere
more true than in the U.S. educational system (of which I can speak

The Order Controls Education: Daniel Coit Gilman (Order member),
President of Johns Hopkins University, imported the psychological
conditioning methods of Wundt from Germany, welded these methods into
educational laboratories, and then brought these educational
laboratories into major Universities generating hundreds of PhDs to
teach the new educational conditioning system. One of the first of
these Johns Hopkins doctorates was John Dewey (see attachment on the
influence of John Dewey on the educational process) In education his
influence has been a leading factor in the abandonment of more
disciplined methods of learning and in the growing emphasis upon
learning through experimentation and practice. The result was, as
Sutton puts it, the educational morass of the 80\'s where most kids—
not all—can\'t spell, read or write, yet can be programmed into mass
behaviour channels.

The Group (the English equivalent of The Order) was also founded at a
university –Oxford University, and especially All Souls College at
Oxford. It operates in a series of concentric circles (the power
spreading outward from a central core, a theme with all Atlantian-
based forms as is the case with the Atlantean temple technology model—
spoken of in my books as a theme throughout history). The inner core
is a secret society within a secret society. This is the inner
decision-making core.

The Groups objective is recorded in Cecil Rhodes will. It was : \"the
extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a
system of emigration from the United Kingdom and of colonization by
British subjects of all lands wherein the means of livelihood are
attainable by energy, labour and enterprise . . .and the ultimate
recovery of the United States as an integral part of the British
empire.\" I believe this to be where David Icke gets his idea of
Britain being the center of the New World Order whereas my
information has always been that Germany remained as the central
command of the many different hydra-headed organizations). According
to Sutton\'s research, just as with The Order in the United States,
The Group has controlled British policy for more than a hundred
years, and still does.

According to Sutton, The Group links to the Jewish equivalent through
the Rothschilds in Britain (Lord Rothschild was an original member of
Rhodes `inner circle\') while The Order in the U.S. links to the
Guggenheim, Schiff and Warburg families. Only token Jews (and token
blacks) have been admitted to either organization in recent years.

Sutton thinks it is unlikely that Chapter 322 (Skull and Bones) is
the only chapter in the U.S. He suspects, but cannot yet prove, at
least one other and probably more.

Both The Group and The Order are unwilling or unable to bring about a
global society by voluntary means, so they have opted for coercion.
To do this they have created wars and revolutions, they have
ransacked public treasuries, they have oppressed, they have pillaged,
they have lied –even to their own countrymen.

The activities of The Order are directed towards changing our
society, changing the world, to bring about a New World Order. This
will be a planned order with heavily restricted individual freedom,
without Constitutional protection, without national boundaries or
cultural distinction.

In Hegellian philosophy the State is Absolute. With The Order and The
Group, this center is brought about by supporting one idea while
doing the exact opposite. For example:

*Andrew Carnegie profited from war through his vast steel holdings,
but under the guidance of The Order member Daniel Coit Gilman,
Carnegie was also an enthusiastic president and financial backer of
the American Peace Society. This is seemingly inconsistent.

* The League to Enforce the Peace, founded by members William H. Taft
and Theodore Marburg was promoting peace, yet active in urging U.S.
participation in World War One.

*IN the 1920s, W. Averell Harriman was a prime supporter of the
Soviets with finance and diplomatic assistance, at a time when such
aid was against State department regulations. Harriman participated
in RUSKOMBANK, the first Soviet commercial bank. Vice-president Max
May of Guaranty Trust, dominated by the Harriman-Morgan interests,
became the FIRST Vice-President of RUSKOMBANK in charge of foreign
operations. In brief, an American banker under guidance of a member
of The Order had a key post in a Soviet bank. We also find that
Averell Harriman, his brother Roland Harriman, and members E.S. James
and Knight Wooley, through the Union Bank (in which they held a major
interest) were prime financial backers of Hitler.

The objective of The Order therefore is above and beyond these
actions and in fact needs these seeming contradictions. How can there
exist a common objective when members are apparently acting in
opposition to one another?

The answer is that \"Left and `Right\' are artificial devices to bring
about change, and the extremes of political left and political right
are vital elements in a process of controlled change. . . a clash of
opposites bringing about synthesis. For example, a clash of political
left and political right brings about another political system, a
synthesis of the two, neither left nor right (through conflict
management). In the Hegellian system conflict is essential.

In the new State Individuals find freedom ONLY in obedience to the
rulers (as the heavily programmed members of the military do now),
but who or what is the State? Obviously it is a self-appointed elite.
As with all the elements of the New World Order, the central theme
remains those who think they have the right to judge what is best for
humanity and that they and only they are `good enough\' to control
both society and the world in general and the higher knowledge of the
illuminated ones (one must get further background from my writings on
the alien presence behind the New World Order).

It is interesting that Fichte, who developed these ideas before
Hegel, was a Freemason, almost certainly an Illuminati, and one
promoted by the Illuminati. . . the Illuminati principle being that
the end justifies the means.

Most of us believe the State exists to serve the individual, not vice
versa. The Order believes the opposite of most of us. That is crucial
to understanding what they are about . . . the discussion and the
funding is ALWAYS towards more state power, use of state power and
AWAY FROM individual rights.

Members have a higher common objective in which the clash of ideas is
essential. So long as rights of the individual are not introduced
into the discussion the clash of ideas generates the conflict
necessary for change.

As the objective is also global control an emphasis is placed on
global thinking i.e. internationalism. This is done through world
organizations and world law. The great contribution of the Tafts to
The Order was on the world court system and world law.

End of part 2

John Dewey: 1859—1952, American philosopher and educator, b.
Burlington, Vt., grad. Univ. of Vermont, 1879, Ph.D. Johns Hopkins,
1884. He taught at the universities of Minnesota (1888—89), Michigan
(1884—88, 1889—94), and Chicago (1894—1904) and at Columbia from 1904
until his retirement in 1930. His foreign consultancies included two
stints at the Univ. of Beijing and a report on the reorganization of
the schools of Turkey.

Dewey\'s original philosophy, called instrumentalism, bears a
relationship to the utilitarian and pragmatic schools of thought.
Instrumentalism holds that the various modes and forms of human
activity are instruments developed by human beings to solve multiple
individual and social problems. Since the problems are constantly
changing, the instruments for dealing with them must also change.
Truth, evolutionary in nature, partakes of no transcendental or
eternal reality and is based on experience that can be tested and
shared by all who investigate. Dewey conceived of democracy as a
primary ethical value, and he did much to formulate working
principles for a democratic and industrial society.

In education his influence has been a leading factor in the
abandonment of authoritarian methods and in the growing emphasis upon
learning through experimentation and practice. In revolt against
abstract learning, Dewey considered education as a tool that would
enable the citizen to integrate culture and vocation effectively and
usefully. Dewey actively participated in movements to forward social
welfare and woman\'s suffrage, protect academic freedom, and effect
political reform.

Among his writings, which are concerned with almost all philosophical
fields EXCEPT metaphysics, are Psychology (1887), The School and
Society (1899; rev. ed. 1915), Ethics (with James H. Tufts, 1908),
Democracy and Education (1916), Reconstruction in Philosophy (1920),
Human Nature and Conduct (1922), Experience and Nature (1925), The
Public and Its Problems (1927), The Quest for Certainty (1929),
Philosophy and Civilization (1932), A Common Faith (1934), Art as
Experience (1934), Liberalism and Social Action (1935), Experience
and Education (1938), Logic: The Theory of Inquiry (1938), Freedom
and Culture (1939), and Problems of Men (1946).

The Real New World Order pt 3
Peter Farley (based on the writings and research of Antony Sutton)

In his article in Esquire magazine about Skull and Bones, Rosenbaum
calls The Order \"an international Mafia\" . . . unregulated and all but

If one put all the names of all the organizations and their connections to
the New World Order on one poster it would cover the entire spacing of
four very large walls. This hydra-headed monster has its tentacles into
everything and almost everyone is affected on more than just a day to
day level. This war goes beyond the physical dimensions as well. This is
the history it is taking me 9 volumes and more than a million words to

Again, intermarriage consolidates the power of the families and expands
their influence and makes for the social pages of many a U.S. city

Members use their office to advance the career of fellow members, but
not all members buy into the whole process. Take for example one of
America\'s most famous family of government insiders and Skull and
Bones initiates—the Bundys

Date initiated Name Key Activities
1909 Harvey Hollister Bundy Special assistant to
Secretary of War Stimson
1921 Frederick McGeorge Bundy
Selling fish fillets
1939 William Putnam Bundy CIA, Editor
Foreign Affairs
1940 McGeorge Bundy
Government and foundation official

It is not a new assertion that the CIA has funded the Left in the U.S. .
You can\'t just have a \"right\", you must have a \"right\" AND a \"left\". You
can\'t just have a pro-Vietnam War policy, you must also have an anti-
Vietnam War policy. You can\'t just have a `no-alien\' program without
also supporting covertly a `there are aliens\' program, or else the process
won\'t bring about change.

The grooming for `royalty\' of the Bundys mirrors that of the Bushs, the
Clintons, and many other families who have graced the covers of our
newspapers and been at the forefront of the `talking heads\' revolution in
news media.

In 1960 William Bundy, while still at the CIA, became staff director for
the newly formed Presidential Commission on National Goals. . . The
report of this Commission came up with some quotes which are purely
in line with that of Hegel and The Order:
\"A role of the government is to stimulate changes of attitude\"
\"in the 1960s every American is summoned to extraordinary personal
responsibility, sustained effort, and sacrifice\"
\"The American citizen in the years ahead ought to develop a larger
portion of his time and energy directly to solution of the nation\'s
problems . . . many ways are open for citizens to participate in the
attainment of national goals.\"
As for McGeorge Bundy, he has been accorded preferential treatment all
along the way (shades of George W. Bush). Graduating Yale and The
Order in 1940, Bundy spent a while at Harvard and then joined the U.S.
Army as a \"private\". Within 12 months Bundy had rocketed to captain
and staff officer working on the invasion of Sicily and then of Normandy.
At 27 he went straight into becoming assistant to the Secretary of War.
In quick succession he became consultant to the Economic Cooperation
Administration, then foreign policy analyst for presidential candidate
Thomas Dewey, then analyst for the Council on Foreign Relations. By
1949 Bundy was invited to Harvard University and in four years was
made Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. From 1961 to 1966
Bundy was Special Assistant for National Security Affairs to presidents
Kennedy and Johnson— a significant aspect to this post only surfacing
under Henry Kissinger.

More than most others, it seems this post can be used to screen
information reaching the president: in fact, that is one of its major
purposes, to stop a flood of paper reaching the presidential desk. The
other side to this screening process is that it could place the president in
an `artificial information\' environment. If the options presented to the
president are controlled, so are the decisions. Selected information can
control the options. McGeorge Bundy was National Security Adviser in
the early days of the Vietnam debacle. While McGeorge Bundy (The
Order) was in the White House his brother, William P. Bundy (The
Order) was in key positions relating to the Far East in the Defense and
State departments. By acting jointly, the Bundy brothers could have
controlled absolutely the flow of information relating to Vietnam from

In 1966 McGeorge Bundy was appointed President of the Ford
Foundation, a post he retained until 1979. While at Ford, Bundy brought
in as Vice President in charge of education and research Division
another member of the Order—Harold Howe II (continuation—the right
to choose a successor being so important to The Order\'s plans).

The order\'s control of history, through such foundations and groups like
the American Historical Association, has been more than effective . . .
mainly because of the gullibility of the American \"educated public\" and
by their letting the `chosen\' opinion molders—the newspaper editors and
owners, columnists, TV and radio announcers—do the job they were
assigned to. Most people do not have carefully thought out and well-
reasoned opinions of their own. Most are the products of the
programming from society, the media and their family values.

Sutton suggests that over the years there has certainly been a campaign
to suppress revisionist interpretations of history (*laughing . . such as
mine). Harry Elmer Barnes in The Struggle Against Historical
Blackout: \"It may be said, with great restraint, that, never since the
Dark and Middle Ages (the time when the Knights Templars came to
power using the same techniques), have there been so many powerful
forces organized and alerted against the assertion and acceptance of
historical truth as are active today to prevent the facts relating to the
responsibility for the Second World War and its results from being made
generally accessible to the American public. Even the great Rockefeller
Foundation frankly admits (Annual report, 1946, p. 188) the subsidizing
of a corps of historians to anticipate and frustrate the development of
any neo-Revisionism in our time. And the only difference between the
Foundation and several others is that it has been more candid and
forthright about its politics.\"

This has been my experience as well, obviously. My writing of the true
history of the New World Order\'s plan to set into motion the resurrection
of not so much Jesus, but rather the whole Atlantean concept, has been
most difficult to put forward with any success. Even the
supposedly `liberal\' media such as Jeff Rense and Art Bell, and in fact
the whole UFO/alien/conspiracy establishment, has formed a conspiracy
to stop any outside information or speakers, lecturers and writers from
making their case known beyond that which the New World Order needs
as part of an accepted adversarial role –the `left\' and the `right\' bringing
about a change in the middle. According to Sutton, media outlets have
been artificially set up just for this purpose. Don\'t look now folks, but
there is a conspiracy in the conspiracy business.

Sutton\'s experience with this came when his book on US military aide to
the Soviets \"offended the Nixon-Kissinger program to aid the Soviets
while THEY were aiding the North Vietnamese – saying in effect that
Americans were getting killed by our own technology. Have things
changed at all with our support of the Mujahadeen and the Middle East?
The Knights templar has their ties to the Islamic Assassins as well justa
s their inheritors still have ties to both sides of the coin.

No one is going to create an anti-Order movement. That would be
foolish and unnecessary, writes Sutton. It could be, as was done with
the `so-called\' environmental movements of the 70s, infiltrated, bought
off, or diverted all to easily. Much TOO easily.

Doesn\'t this start to answer so many of the questions we\'ve always had
about why things work the way they do in government and in life? But is
this really the way things are supposed to be? Sutton thinks The
Order\'s plan can never work in the U.S. He says the movement that will
topple The Order will be extremely simple and most effective. It will be
tens of thousands or a million Americans who come to the conclusion
that they don\'t want the State to be boss, that they prefer to live under
the protection of the Constitution. They will make their own independent
decision to thwart The Order, and it will take ten thousand or a million
forms (the butterfly/chaos effect). The only weakness is communication.
The Order has so wrecked education that reading comprehension is
difficult for many—that\'s part of the brainwashing program. But there
are more than enough readers (the older people? –unless the chemtrails
kill them all off). Most people prefer to talk, anyway, he says. (Yes they
do but only on cellphones and very few do what communication really

The NWO have an answer and a part of the plan to cover every aspect
of opposition possible, one Sutton does not have enough experience to
see. It\'s not his fault, nor most people\'s. It\'s not only our world history
which has been with held from us, but our entire galactic one as well.
