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The True Histroy of Islam Pt 1
Understanding Islam Part 1
by Peter Farley In AD 610, the year Heraclius took the throne of the Byzantine Empire, the prophet Mohammed began to preach to the Arabs a religion that became known as Islam. By 634, rising Islamic forces threatened the whole of the Byzantine empire. War now often became holy war between rival religions. Byzantine armies began to march behind icons? painted figures of Christian holy figures?and looked to these icons for protection in battle. Islam is based on the teachings given in The Qu'ran?also called the Koran, given to the Prophet Mohammed, a former camel-driver, by the Angel Gabriel, Minister of Allah (the Arabic word for `God'). During the various visitations, Gabriel dictated the Word of Allah to Mohammed, who memorized all he heard for later transcription. This holy book is credited with a magnificent revival of learning, art, science and civilization along with new discoveries which were a vital contribution to human knowledge. Moreover, the language and poetry of The Qu'ran in the original Arabic seem so sublime that this book became the foundation stone for even the rules of Arabic poetry, displaying what we have already said about the hypnotic effects of the sound-encoded holy books of the world. The religious center of Islam is Mecca, originally an ancient Aryan shrine. This was most aptly demonstrated in history when it was a place of prominent worship to the Hindus. According to conventional history, the Hindu religion we know today was a product of the ancient Aryans. The use of the swastika came from the Hindu religion and appears prominently in Hindu temples such as those in Calcutta and Bombay. The central figure of worship in Islam is the Kaaba. As in the Biblical version, Allah is said to have ordered Abraham to leave his home in Babylon, and was then led by the angel Gabriel to the source of Zemzem (water from the first popularized site of the Kaaba)? another ancient sacred site built over a sacred spring. Mohammed cleaned out all the old pagan gods of the Kaaba, particularly those of the Aryan Hindus, but he did recognize the primary ancient god of the Kaaba: Allah. As with the choice of Yahweh over the other gods by the Jews, Abraham is said to have chosen Allah as the only one he realized. Here again is the same story we have heard before from one religion to another, the movement from the worship of many gods to the worship of one god?much like the Hebrews did?from what seems like a choice to no choice at all. Like the corporations of the New World Order producing the same product only under different names, so too has Lucifer seemingly offered a choice of which `face' of his we accept. Zemzem, the water from the first popularized site of the Kaaba is said to signify `the Great Luminary,' which kaballistically speaking corresponds with Venus (or Lucifer as we have heard this symbolism used before). And, once again, we have Lucifer setting himself up as the one god of a people while playing brother against brother in true Machiavellian style. Abraham's job was to rebuild the Kaaba, and once in Mecca, Gabriel gave him the Holy Stone to place there. Abraham taught the people to revere the stone and to sacrifice animals to it. The blood of the animals was put on the stone and it accordingly became dark. The stone is often described as being `black-like', but it is also sometimes described as a very dark blood red. The darkness of the stone is also said to be the result of the sins of man. The Black Stone was, however, originally part of something much greater. What is left today is only a fragment of a very sacred object, much as the Jews now worship their face of God through what are left of the stones of the Temple (`the wailing wall'), and the Celtic Druids used their stones for the purpose of worship and sacrifice. Like Judaism, Islam also understands the importance of the repetition of sacred texts for the purpose of transmitting higher knowledge and/or indoctrination. Most Muslims attempt to read through the entire Qur'an, and many men go to the mosque each night for prayers known as tarawih during which the whole text is read through. These voluntary prayers consist of either eight extra rakahs after the compulsory isha prayer (if Muslims are following the sunnah of the prophet(or twenty extra rakahs --the practice started by Caliph Umar). Many mosques invite trained huffaz (people who know the Qur'an by heart) to lead these special prayers. While modern day people of the West might think that holy war or Jihad is a basic element of the Islamic religion, Ruqaiyyah Maqsood in his book Islam, explains that it is not: "True Islamic jihad in fact insists that killing for the sake of religion is wrong. Religion should never become an oppressor. People should never be forced to accept things that they don't believe. The principle of jihad is to fight against tyranny and oppression, to bring freedom and justice and a just peace. The word `jihad' actually means `striving', and in the spiritual sense, it is the constant battle against sin in all its aspects." Islam has produced many noted authors, poets and artists who remain fairly unknown to us here in the West. One of these great thinkers and writers was a Muslim Indian by the name of Syed Ahmad Khan (1817- 1898)?one of the incarnations of Enjliou (the Creator Son of this SuperUniverse) upon the planet, one which paradoxically overlapped that of another of his incarnations that we shall deal with later. Sir Syed published a magazine in Urdu called The Improvement of Manners and Morals, devoted mainly to social and religious problems. In his wisdom, Syed could see that the Muslims in India would make no progress if they did not accept the fact that British rule had come to stay indefinitely. Thus he wrote voluminously to allay British misgivings about the Muslims and Islam itself. As Enjliou, there is still great concern for His creation and for helping ease the strife that has been caused by the initial flaw that created Lucifer. As one of the first modernists in the world of Islam, he believed correctly that at the time, the people of India were not sufficiently integrated to be able to run a democratic government without its becoming a disguised role of the Hindu over the Muslims. His inclusion of Western knowledge and thinking is part of what has helped make the Pakistanis one of the most advanced Muslim nations in the world, Syed Ahmad Khan believed passionately in keeping the Mysteries out of Islam. From his work Religion and the Supernatural: "There are so many natural mysteries in the Universe which are beyond the understanding of men that they cannot be counted . . . these mysteries which we watch everyday no longer strike us as miraculous and we become indifferent to them, but when man begins to believe in some religion or considers a person holy, he always attributes miracles to them. He accepts any miracles which are attributed to them; indeed he does not accept the truth of a religion or the holiness of a person without those miracles . . . "The prophet of God (Muhammed), on whom be peace and blessings, reiterated again and again: "I am a man like you; it has been revealed to me that your Lord is the one God;" but people were not content with this, and ascribed miracles to him. They base their faith in the prophet upon these miracles. "The same attitude is adopted toward the saints; until it is accepted that they performed miracles people do not find it possible to believe that they were saints. "In short it has become a habit with men that they ascribe miracles and supernatural attributes to an object or a person whom they consider to be holy or sacred. This is why men have interpolated supernatural factors into Islam, which are not worthy of belief, but such credulous persons believe in them. "However, this is a grievous mistake. Any religion which is true or claims to be true can not contain such elements in it as are contrary to nature and offend human reason, so that a sensible person would find it impossible to believe in them. A true faith in its pristine purity is absolutely free from such supernatural and irrational elements. It is always at a later time that those who hanker for the super natural interpolate into a supernatural and miraculous elements. I am sincerely convinced about Islam that it is absolutely free from such strange stories and unnatural and irrational mysteries. My God save us from such mystery worshippers." In the case of the Kaaba (the `Spirit' and the `Heart' in ancient Egyptian), what the Islamic religion is indeed worshipping is a relic of the Aryan race and religion which came before them. The stone in the Kaaba is a piece of rock from the destroyed planet of Maldek, brought with them as a reminder of what can happen if they allow their emotions to run amuck. Unfortunately, from the events currently taking place in the Middle East, the lesson has been all too quickly forgotten. As we have seen as one of the themes in this book, people worship their ancestral roots on this planet as a way of also worshipping and remembering their celestial roots?though as in the case of the Kaaba, the significance and remembrance has been lost to all but a few. Once again we also see the use of religion here to bind together a fragmented society of peoples, much as Constantine had done in the Byzantine Empire. Coincidentally, as the story goes, since the quarreling tribes could not decide who should have the honor of placing the stone in the central location when the enclosure for the Kaaba was rebuilt, it was a young Mohammed to whom the choice was given. In his Solomon-like wisdom, Mohammed had one member from each tribe grab a hold of a corner of the cloth carrying the stone, and together they all put it in place. The Islamic word for God, Allah, like Yahweh, is composed of both the male and female principles: "AL or EL" the male principle ? LA or lah" the female principle. The female principle as part of the Creation is still adhered to and taught in the Arabian mystery schools. In the Koran, Jesus is mentioned thirty-five times under a number of impressive titles including "Messenger of God" and "Messiah." At no point, however, is he regarded as anything other than a mortal prophet, a forerunner of Mohammed, and a spokesman for a single supreme God. The original Koran also maintains that Jesus did not die on the cross: "they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but they thought they did," are its words. 2005-11-08 |