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Thoth on Father's day - being prepared
6-17-07 through Sue Ann Dear One, Good Morning, it is Father's day in your world, but here it is always the FATHER'S day, a day of LOVE and change. My experience of the FATHER is indescribable, and the gift of HIS LOVE and Forgiveness that I have received is so different from the way I have been for so long that it is difficult to convey in words. Surrendering to Higher Will, as you know has taken quite an effort, as I had my own self-will highly trained. However, like you or anyone else making the change to Higher Will, I knew it had to be all or nothing for leaving any little piece of self-will was like leaving a pieced of moldy fruit in the barrel that would grow and infect the entire contents. Surrender MUST always be made more important than self-will. The darkside is still trying to take back the planet, so you must keep your guard up at all times. The energy system of the planet is growing stronger by the hour but since consciousness is the driving force of ascension and there are so few conscious beings on the planet to help her through this process many non-physical Beings have come to assist in her change. Making the changes at Mt. Shasta has made the arrival of these Higher Beings and Energies possible. Now the way is clear for them to arrive safely and in large numbers. Time is also accelerating greatly as the planet prepares for this change. You asked about my (Thoth's) involvement with the creation and development of the Mormon Church. Yes, that was a very successful darkside project. It was very easy to take it over from Joseph (Enjliou) as many people were easily used against Him. Every time he came to the planet to make a major course correction we were one step ahead of Him. We had spies everywhere as people are so easy to corrupt with a promise of a little power and self-gratification. WE always had our own devoted comrades placed in close around him, so when the time was right, he could be easily eliminated and his plan used for just the opposite of what he intended. Religion has always been the most powerful type of organization on the planet, as it uses the invisible power source of a īgod.' We just twisted the basic concept of īgod' into whatever was believable at the time, and used it to further enslave the very people who thought it would free them. He actually succeeded this time around because He did most of the Work Himself and did not try to organize a large group. His focus this time was to save the planet and as many people in the process. That way He was less noticeable and appeared to not be a real threat until it was too late for the darkside to stop Him. His willingness to surrender and follow Guidance completely this time is what made it all happen. I am very happy we are once again communicating, and I look forward to the renewing of our relationship, this time in the LIGHT. With much LOVE, Thoth 6-16-07 through Sue Ann Being Prepared Dear One, WE would like to urge all of you to get prepared for the drastic Earth changes that will soon be upon you. Developing your moment-to-moment Guidance is the number one most important thing you can do. Also be ready to leave at moments notice when told by Guidance. And ask which way is the best way to go. The habit of asking about every little thing can be developed in as little as three days if done diligently. Ask about everything; when to get up, what to wear, what to eat, how to drive to work, what to say to whom and when or not to say it at all, etc. The secret to making this work for you is to make your wants secondary. That is the hard part; giving up what you want. But you must make wanting Guidance and what Guidance wants for you much more important than what you think you want for you at that moment. This is hard to do, but that is all surrendering is; asking and doing what Guidance wants, whether you want it or not. With Great Love and constant Guidance, Aristenna and the Hierarchy of the Council of Light 2007-07-07 |