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titanic groundhog day
Titanic Groundhog Day

The best two metaphors for what's been going on on this planet for the
past decade or so are the movies, Titanic and Groundhog Day - and yes,
today, Feb.2nd is Groundhog Day.

Much like Titanic, the old paradigm has hit a serious iceberg and is
sinking, slowly at first but now with ever increasing speed. Like the
people on board the ship as in the movie, some have taken the lifeboats
to safety, many are floundering around in the water trying to survive
without any visible way of supporting that venture, and some (as I see a
lot around me) are still onboard the sinking ship having their final
dance, playing their final swansong, comforting their mate in the final
moments of something they have accepted as an inevitability or being
resigned to their doom.

Groundhog Day has always been one of the finest and most fun ways to
understand the nature of existence, the burden of karma and
reincarnation, and the ultimate lesson of existence - to love
unconditionally. It's being replayed on the Encore channel all day if
you haven't seen it, yes, time after time again. As explained in the
volumes, this Groundhog Day effect is what has created a bottleneck in
all of Creation, Souls not wanting to move on with their learning (As
Chris's channeling today stresses):

"Firstly, Soul's desire for the dense physicality of this world, the
pleasure and pain and the materialism it elicits, holds It to this
planet. This keeps It reincarnating here over and over again when It
should be moving on to other planets and other new experiences. This
creates a "bottleneck" in the reincarnational cycle of the Universe,
thus stopping the growth of other planets and other areas in Creation as

"Sex as we know it, and the desire we have created for it, does not
exist on other planets except for the interaction of some alien species
with our own. Sex has become a major means of controlling the people so
it has been used by everyone from the government on down to get people
to follow. This is especially true of business where marketing and
advertising have built an unnatural mystique around sex that has spawned
an enormous economy around just this one single aspect of life - sex.

"Since people are therefore so attached to the material world and to the
enjoyment they think they can derive from it that no one wants to leave.
This causes what the Council of Nine calls `soul-recycling'. For many
souls, each of the soul-recyclings causes them to have greater and
greater desire and more and more enjoyment for even more of the
pleasures of life, especially those addicted to power. This locks those
souls into the spirit-realms surrounding the planet, waiting to
reincarnate, or sometimes simply as astral entities sucking enjoyment
from others vicariously. Thus, not only do we have an individual balance
of payment problems, we have a planetary balance of payments problem as

"The experiment has gone haywire, and the laboratory has been taken over
by those who were originally supposed to be part of the experiment. The
finest example of this is the recent movie version of H.G. Well's
classic novel, The Island of Dr. Moreau. In this story, the genetically
altered and electronically manipulated, half-man half-animal creations
decide they no longer wanted to play by their creator's rules. The
results are disastrous. So it is with planet Earth, and the consequences
it has on the rest of the Universe are also disastrous as well. . ."

Well the bottleneck has now been cleared. As with a pipe full of drain
cleaner the clogging substance is now being pushed through at an
ever-increasing rate and the final surge that will clear the drain once
and for all is about due. No longer will planet Earth be stuck in this
cycle of Groundhog Day repetition. It has and is now the crown jewel of
Creation that it was once created to be. A little more cleaning and
polishing and some quick removal of the detritus clinging to its surface
will allow it to be what Creation has always intended it to be.

Sink or swim. Your lifeboat is your own personal Guidance ALWAYS there
to give you a helping hand. No judgement or fear mongering here. Those
who are prepared don't have a fear of what's here and what's about to
come, only those too lazy to prepare accuse anyone of creating fear .. .
for that is their way of seeking an easy out when this time there are
none coming.
In service,
