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traversing the dead zone
Traversing The Dead Zone

9-13-07 through Sue Ann
Dear One,
WE had you watch the movie \"Silent Running\" as an explanation, of
sorts, to what is happening with your solar system. It is being
moved, but the illusion of remaining in a relative position in the
Universe is being maintained while in transit.

You are in a transport system and are passing through a \'dead zone\'
which is a sector of the Universe that has very low vibrations. It
is almost lifeless. This is one of the reasons you are having
sporadic crying spells and sudden and quick dizziness.

WE have been keeping things as steady as WE can but those of you who
are awake or somewhat awake are feeling the lifelessness of
yourselves and your environment. it also carries with it an
emotional listlessness tinged with hopelessness. Those who are not
awake are only vaguely aware of being out of sorts. This is the
dark night of the soul for the planet as she is the farthest away
from the FATHER\'S presence than ever before. She must traverse this
area in order to connect with the newly prepared timeline. She has
to let go of her familiar place in the Universe to be able to get to
the new Universe and those of you who are sensitive can feel this
process as well. This is new for her as well as for those of you
going along for this unique journey.

Allow all these strange and mixed feelings to pass through you and
hold on to your Inner Connection with Great purpose and Conviction.

WE LOVE all of you very much,

Aristenna and the Hierarchy of the Council of Light

Interestingly there is a precedent for what is happening with planet
Earth being moved to a different time-space continuum as mentioned in Sue Ann\'s
channeling. It happened much the same way but for different reasons to the group
known as the Zetans or Grays.

Here is an excerpt from volume 9 which described this scenario that
took place somewhere around a million or so years a go in our past time.

\"Let us begin in the Lyran system back when civilization was
flourishing and new cultures were exploding throughout the cosmos.
The range of cultures these early humanoids created was vast. There
was one planet we have called the Apex planet that we will refer to
as the ancient origin of the Zeta Reticuli race.

\"This Apex planet was very similar to Earth. The beings on Apex were
a mixture genetically just like you are, because the early Lyran
races had already begun to colonize. Apex became a melting pot for
the genetics of the Lyran races. Therefore their society manifested
a great deal of individuality and unpredictability. These qualities
were even more pronounced than upon present-day Earth.

\"There were those who were pacifists. There were those who were
warriors. There were those who were technologically oriented and
those who rejected technology in favor of an inner spirituality.
Every polarity one could imagine was played out on this Apex planet
even more dramatically than it is played out on your Earth plane.
Their culture flourished for many thousands of years. However,
beneath the surface of the mass consciousness there was a great deal
of disharmony because the spiritual growth of the planet did not
parallel the technological growth of its inhabitants. The gap began
to widen. On the surface of the planet cataclysm began - severe
toxicity and severe radiation from atomic blasts even more
destructive than on your planet today. There was much pollution. The
atmosphere began to deteriorate and plant life was shortly
thereafter unable to produce enough oxygen to continue the cycle of
carbon dioxide /oxygen which kept the ecosystem balanced.

\"There were those within the system who were aware of what was
happening. They began taking measures to preserve life. They built
underground shelters and prepared themselves for the total
destruction of the planet\'s surface. They didn\'t know whether this
was going to occur, but they wanted to be safe. They knew they had a
safety margin and that if they were prepared, their race would
survive. They began learning to use alternate energy sources that
could be used underground without any dependency on sunlight or
oxygen from the surface. Thus they created a world that would be
totally independent from the surface ecosystem.

\"Preparation stretched out over many generations. They were
farsighted, for they were certain this change needed to occur. They
paced themselves and moved slowly. They began to see that they were
evolving at such a rapid rate that the Apexian cranial size was
quickly increasing. The natural birth process became difficult, for
the cranial size was expanding more quickly than the female pelvis
could accommodate. Thus there were many deaths during childbirth -
of both the mother and the child. Since what you call cesarean
delivery was not part of their belief system, they were certainly
facing a species crisis.

\"They were faced with a dilemma. Their population was decreasing. It
became obvious that they had to prepare for planetary catastrophe as
well as the possible death of their own species. They thus began
turning to cloning techniques so they would not be dependent on the
birth process. Then they could actually reproduce their species in
the laboratory without the need for the reproductive act,
conception, or natural birth. They assumed this knowledge would take
care of them and they would be ready for anything.

\". . . Gradually, individuals wrapped up their business on the
surface of the planet and began to inhabit the underground cities.
This was a great shock to many. Imagine knowing that you could never
look at the sky again . . . that you could never lie under the
stars...that you would be trapped in a rock environment for the rest
of your life. Imagine the fear and sorrow these people were

\"Eventually, they all were moved underground. They had to learn how
to adapt. Through their cloning capabilities (which they had been
working on for at least 100 of their years), they began to
understand how a body could adapt to an environment such as this.
They began altering their genetics so that when new babies arrived
they could be part of the underground ecosystem.

\"This entailed restructuring bodies so they could absorb frequencies
of light beyond the visible spectrum and then change these
frequencies into heat. This required a completely different way of
body functioning and a new way of teaching the body to absorb
nutrients. The bodies began learning to ingest nutrients from some
of the luminiferous rocks underground. They had brought from the
surface luminiferous plants as well. They studied these plants
(which were chlorophyll-based) and allowed themselves to incorporate
these qualities into themselves.

\"All of this occurred over a span of hundreds of years. Many
Apexians died. There were successes as well as failures. They
eventually got to a point where the population growth leveled out as
the death rate decreased. The methods by which they were taking in
nutrients and recycling into the ecosystem became symbiotic and
balanced. They knew they could survive this way for an indefinite
period of time.

\"While this was occurring under the surface of the planet, profound
changes were occurring on the surface. The Apexians did not realize
that the planet\'s toxicity had set a chain reaction in motion.
Severe radiation had begun breaking down the planetary energy field
on a subatomic level. This created an electromagnetic warp in the
time/space fabric surrounding the Apex planet. While they were
underground, Apex actually shifted its position in the time/space
continuum because of this dramatic subatomic energy breakdown.

\"Time and space is very much like Swiss cheese. A planet in one
location is connected through a series of multidimensional networks
or passageways to other areas of your galaxy. When this warp began
around their planet, the planet was moved through the fabric of
time/space to another time/space continuum - which was a significant
distance from their point of origin. You have labeled this area the
Reticulum star group. The Apex planet was inserted in the Reticulum
system around one of the faintest stars in that star group. This
occurred simply because the planetary shift followed the fabric of
time and space. The underground Apexians were totally unaware of
this as they continued with their lives under the surface. They
continued saving their species.

\"If something such as this occurred on Earth, there would be various
factions of people living underground who would have no
communication with each other. These factions could develop very
different cultures over hundreds of years. This is what occurred on
Apex. These different factions represent the different variations
that have been viewed in the Zeta Reticuli groups. Some individuals
say they are very negative; others say they are very benevolent. But
it really isn\'t as black and white as that.

\"Over the hundreds of years that they were underground, they
deliberately manipulated their body type to suit their underground
environment. They allowed themselves to become shorter in stature
than they originally were so they could make better use of the
cavern space. It was merely a conservation effort. Because they were
not procreating physically, their reproductive organs atrophied.
Their digestive tracts atrophied because they were no longer taking
in solid nutrients. They had mutated to allow themselves to take in
nutrients through the skin. Their eyes adapted to the environment
through the pupil mutating to cover the entire eye. This allowed
them to absorb certain frequencies of light beyond the visible
spectrum. They had to do this in order to make optimal use of their
underground environment. This description of their changes is a
general one, since different factions would have made slightly
different alterations to their genetic structure.

During this time, they evaluated what they had done to their planet.
They concluded that emotions were largely responsible, so they no
longer allowed emotion in their lives. They also vowed that they
would no longer allow diversity in their culture. Thus they
deliberately bred out variations in emotional reactions to differing
stimuli. They were adamant that their passions would no longer rule
them. They began creating a neurochemical structure in which every
external stimulus produced the same reaction in every person. They
felt this would allow them to integrate into one people and
eliminate the warring and passion that had ruled their culture in
the past [all this WITHOUT the intrusion of the New World
Order]. . . \"
from \"Visitor from Within\" Chapter 1 Lyssa Royal
