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Vote For Your Favorite Alien 2000
Vote For Your Favorite Alien
Looking for someone to vote for in the presidential elections this year -should they actually come about? Tying in with the Star Wars Bar nature of this planet, my Guidance once had me make a list and send it out of all the aliens in Congress. They thought it might help again to do this for the Presidential candidates in order to help explain why our government is so useless in terms of helping the ?human? situation, as well as for you to know just who it is you are voting for: THE REPUBLICANS: President George W. Bush (R-Texas)-----Married to a reptilian -major part of the reptilian agenda here on planet Earth. Blake Ashby (R-Missouri) Richard ?Dick? Bosa (R-New Hampshire) Albertha Moultrie Brinson (R-New York)-----Alien-controlled at very high level John Buchanan (R-Florida) Edie Bukewihge (R-California)-----Reptilian Michael Callis (R-New Hampshire)--Reptilian-controlled F. Dean Christensen (R-Arizona)-----Alien (other type) w/ dark agenda Carten Cordell (R-Alabama) Thomas Fabish (R-California)-----Artificial intelligence Lowell ?Jack? Fellure (R-West Virginia)-----Alien (other type) w/ dark agenda Hoover Mark Gee (R-California) George Gostigian (R-New Jersey)-----Alien & reptilian-controlled Robert Haines (R-New Hampshire) Mark ?Dick? Harnes (R-New York)-----reptilian ?squadron leader? Mildred ?Millie? Howard (R-Ohio)-----Alien-controlled Michael Idrogo (R-Texas)-----Reptilian-controlled Derrick C. Johnson (R-Oregon)-----Artificial intelligence Tom ?Billy Jack? Laughlin (R-California) Cornelius O?Connor (R-Florida)-----Alien (other type) Louis Rapuano Jr. (R-Connecitcut) John D. Rigazio (R-New Hampshire)-----Alien (other type) Keith Slinker (R-Pennsylvania) Jim Taylor (R-Minnesota)-----Reptilian w/ very high connections William ?Bill? Wyatt (R-California)-----Reptilian w/ very high connections THE DEMOCRATS: Wesley Clark, Ret. Army Gen.(D-Arkansas)-----Alien-human hybrid Howard Dean, Fmr. Gov.(D-Vermont)-----Alien w/ very high connections to dark agenda John Edwards, U.S. Senator(D-North Carolina)-----Human, wow! John Kerry, U.S. Senator(D-Massachusetts)-----Reptilian?other than main agenda Dennis Kucinich, Congressman(D-Ohio)-----Reptilian Joe Lieberman, U.S. Senator(D-Connecticut)-----Reptilian leader Al Sharpton, Civil Rights Activist(D-New York)-----Artificial intelligence w/ negative agenda Warren Ashe (D-Virginia)-----Alien/human hybrid Donald Award (D-Connecticut) Katherine Bateman (D-Illinois)----High level reptilian/human hybrid Jerry Beck (D-Missouri) Sanderson Beck (D-California)-----Alien (other type) w/ very dark agenda Jim Bollinger (D-Indiana) Harry Braun (D-Arizona) Willie Carter (D-Texas)-----Reptilian-alien morph Patrick Cazneau (D-California) Jeanne Chebib (D-DC)-----Clone of alien/human hybrid Randy Crow (D-North Carolina) Gerry Dokka (D-Georgia) John Estrada (D-Nevada)-----Artificial intelligence Susan Fey (D-Colorado) Mildred Glover (D-Georgia) Al Hamburg (D-Wyoming) Vincent Hamm (D-Colorado)-----Reptilian/human hybrid Amanda Lou Hardy (D-DC) Ken Hill (D-South Carolina) Arthur Jackson Jr. (D-DC) Alfonzo Jones (D-New York)-----Reptilian, leadership trainee Caroline Killeen (D-Pennsylvania) Lyndon LaRouche (D-Virginia)-----Reptilian leader of very high status Glenn Leaverton (California) R. Randy Lee (D-New York) Robert Linnell (D-New Hampshire) Sherry Meadows (D-Texas)-------------------Alien-controlled Grady Dean Mollenhour Jr. (D-New York) Edward O?Donnell (D-New Hampshire) Fred Ogin (D-Oregon)-----------------------Alien/human hybrid Fern Penna (D-New York) James Prattas (D-Hawaii) Ole Savior (D-Minnesota)-----Clone of alien/human hybrid Vermin Supreme (D-Massachusetts) Craig Sharp (D-Texas)-----Human w/ very dark agenda, alien-controlled L.D. ?Denny? Talbow (D-Arizona) Evelyn Vitullo (D-Arizona)-----Reptilian energy form on a human, other controlled Florence Walker (D-DC) Lucian J. ?Louie? Wojciechowski (D-California)-----Human w/ very dark agenda, controlled THIRD PARTY PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES: AMERICAN PARTY: Diane Templin (California) Presidential Nominee Al Moore (Virginia) Vice Presidential Nominee CONSTITUTION PARTY: Michael Peroutka, Presidential Nominee(Maryland)-----Reptilian & alien-controlled, others Jim Clymer, Vice Presidential Nominee(Penn.) -----Reptilian & alien-controlled by others GREEN PARTY: Sheila Bilyeu (Virginia) Peter Camejo (California) David Cobb (Texas)-----Reptilian w/ very POSITIVE agenda WOW!! Brian Czech (Virginia) Paul Glover (New York) Kent Mesplay (California) Carol Miller (New Mexico) Mike Morrill (Pennsylvania) Christina Rosetti (New York) Lorna Salzman (New York) LIBERTARIAN PARTY: Michael Badnarik (Texas) Jeffrey Diket (Louisiana)-----Artificial intelligence David Hollist (California) Gary Nolan (Virginia) Ruben Perez (Texas)-----Reptilian w/ very high and dark agenda Mike Ross (Arizona) Aaron Russo (California)-----Human w/ alien programming NATURAL LAW PARTY: Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio)-----See other Christina Rosetti (New York) PEACE & FREEDOM PARTY: Walt Brown (Oregon) Leonard Peltier (Kansas)-----Pleiadean PROHIBITION PARTY: Earl F. Dodge, Presidential Nominee(Colorado)-----Alien/human hybrid Howard Lydick, Vice Presidential Nominee(Texas) REFORM PARTY: Jason Pacifico (New York)-----Reptilian w/ very dark agenda Ted Weill (Mississippi) SOCIALIST PARTY USA: Walt Brown, Presidential Nominee(Oregon) Mary Alice Herbert, Vice Presidential Nominee(Vermont) SOCIALIST EQUALITY PARTY: Bill Van Auken, Presidential Nominee(New York)-----Reptilian/human hybrid Jim Lawrence, Vice Presidential Nominee(Ohio) SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY: Martin Koppel, Presidential Nominee(New York) Arrin Hawkins, Vice Presidential Nominee(New York) INDEPENDENT PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES: A.J. Albritton (American Republican Party-Mississippi) Sterling Allan (Providential Party-Utah) Joe Bellis (America?s Party-Kansas) Kenneth M. Bonnell (I-Mississippi) Henri Calitri (I-New Jersey)----------------Reptilian w/ very dark agenda Fred Cook (I-Georgia) Eric J. Davis (Michigan) Robert DiGiulio (Children?s Party-Vermont) Bob Dorn (Washington)----------------------Alien/human hybrid Lonnie D. Frank (I-California)---------------Human w/ very dark agenda John Galt Jr. (I-Pensylvania) Jack Grimes (United Fascist Union-Pennsylvania) Michael Halpin (I-New York) Larry D. Hines (I-Texas)------------------Pleiadean-controlled Georgia Hough (I-Georgia) Keith Judd (I-Massachusetts) Darren E. Karr (Party X-Oregon) Samuel Keegan (I-Rhode Island) Joseph Martyniuk Jr. (I-Illinois)----------Alien w/ other agenda David Mevis (I-Mississippi)---------------Clone Muadin (E-Democratic Party-Massachusetts) Ralph Nader (I-Connecticut) Jeffrey Peters (We The People Party-New Hampshire) Andrew M. Rotramel (I-Texas) Joseph ?Average Joe? Schriner (I-Ohio)--------Hybrid clone Dennis P. Slatton (United America Party-North Carolina) Dan Snow (I-Texas)-----------------------Human w/ very dark agenda Brian B. Springfield (I-Virginia) Lemuel Tucker (I-Michigan) Da Vid (Light Party-California)----------Negative agenda Tom Wells (Family Values Party-Florida) A.J. Wildman (I-Virginia) 2006-12-12 |