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we all sell out everyday . . .
We All Sell Out Everyday . . .
\"I thought you understood. It\'s business, that\'s all it is. \"You still don\'t get it. There ain\'t no countries anymore. \"They\'re running the whole show. They own the whole planet. \"They can do whatever they want. We can have it good for a change. \"If we help them, they\'ll leave us alone to make some money. \"You can have a taste of the good life. It\'s what everybody wants. - You\'d do it to your own kind? - What\'s the threat? \"We all sell out every day, might as well be on the winning team.\" --says one of the businessmen working hand in hand with the alien invaders who have taken over planet Earth in John Carpenter\'s classic 1988 movie about the present world situation, They Live. While there are lots of movies that hint at the way things truly are on planet Earth, movies such as The Matrix and V for Vendetta, very few come close to matching They Live\'s reality; although one might add that the sunglasses should be on the other foot. Every time I\'ve watched this movie with someone else to show them the reality of what it is I see -- and more -- I am further impressed by the little throw-away lines in the movie which bring a further depth of understanding to what is really going on. \"Fluorocarbons have increased since Earth is being acclimatised, \"They are turning ouratmosphere into their atmosphere, - What do these things want? - They\'re free-enterprisers. \"The earth is just another developing planet. Their third world.\" As Julia\'s Guide, Fubbi Quantz, explained to her in today\'s channeling, she too has taken off the veil that hides the truth from us all, the veil that most of us do not wnat to take off and would so rapidly put back on should it ever drop. The movie is based on a very short 1963 story by Ray Nelson \'Eight O\'Clock in the Morning\': \"At the end of the show the hypnotist told his subjects, \"Awake.\" Something unusual happened. \"One of the subjects awoke up all the way. This had never happened before. His name was George Nada and he blinked out at the sea of faces in the theatre, at first unaware of anything out of the ordinary. Then he noticed, spotted here and there in the crowd, the non-human faces, the faces of the Fascinators. They had been there all along, of course, but only George was really awake, so only George recognized them for what they really were. He understood everything in a flash, including the fact that if he were to give any outward sign, the Fascinators would instantly command him to return to his former state, and he would obey. \"He left the theatre, pushing out into the neon night, carefully avoiding any indication that he saw the green, reptilian flesh or the multiple yellow eyes of the rulers of the earth. One of them asked him, \"Got a light buddy?\" George gave him a light, then moved on. \"At intervals along the street George saw the posters hanging with photographs of the Fascinators\' multiple eyes and various commands printed under them, such as, \"Work eight hours, play eight hours, sleep eight hours,\" and \"Marry and Reproduce.\" A TV set in the window of a store caught George\'s eye, but he looked away in the nick of time. When he didn\'t look at the Fascinator in the screen, he could resist the command, \"Stay tuned to this station.\" . . .\" For the complete text go to And make sure you\'ve seen this movie . . .and then . . wake up! \"They influence our decisions without us knowing it. They numb our senses without us feeling it. They control our lives without us realizing it. THEY LIVE.\" Peter R. Farley Reality 101 \"Julia\" Dear One, There is a reason for everything in the universe of reality. You have come to realize what is not, and are seeing clues to what is not all around you. To be sure your previous life has ended, but you\'re aware now of the many instances of why things occured during certain periods of your past life. We say past because you are here in your now life that has opened up many opportunities to knowledge and a knowing. You can now see the workings of what has been trying to contain your spirit as well as those all around you. This growth will unfold even more through your own perserverance to uncover more truths. When you\'re guided to be a voice for truth, you must do so always, learning that you are in service to all in so doing. Fear can stop this process, and your willingness to push past this illusion will enalble you more and more to conquer it and be it\'s master. There is a processs of seeding information, allowing another to wonder, which you have successfully managed without violating or commanding. This wonder/questioning is the water given for the growth. You too must continue to wonder and further your knowledge and growth. You\'re moving along now at a good pace, we encourage you to continue. And do continue with your creations, they are beautiful. You are loved. In Loving Guidance, Master Fubbi Quantz 2007-11-05 |