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Your Last Choice
It is the time for choices. Yes, you say, it has been the time for choices for
the past 10 years, then why haven't you yet made yours? A month ago Guidance had me working with those very Souls who helped set up the grid bomb Gerald and I have just spent the last week diffusing. None of them took the opportunity offered them to step up to help undo what it is they had done in the past and were now being given the opportunity to correct. One of these was Mark Kimmel: peter6264 Sue, I just worked personally on Mark and his wife in Colorado and have been dealing with them undoing some of their dark past and coming back into the Light, but their choices were so far otherwise, so until the energy shifts around their work, their newsletters are not of the right energy for this group. Thanks, Peter HI PETER, NOT A PROBLEM. THANK YOU FOR THAT INFORMATION I SHALL DELETE THE UPDATES AND NEWSLETTERS FROM THERE. HAD TO ADMIT I THOUGHT THE ENERGIES RATHER STRANGE TOO. OBVIOUSLY YOU HAVE HANDS ON EXPERIENCE HERE AND I SHALL DELETE THEM ALL ON MY FILES. LOVE AND LIGHT SUE The funny thing about time is as the Spiritual Heirarchy have said to me since the beginning --"Time is everything,and time is nothing." It is everything where we are and nothing where They are. If Gerald and I had not done the work this past week then time would not have mattered for any of us because most of us would not have cared. That is the power of the forces aligned against Humanity. After doing this work I have come to realize at least one or two more things about life and what is going on: one is that I no longer have energy for those who will not help themselves let alone help others.Two is that if people want healing work done they need to come to me, no longer will I go out of my way to get to them. Third is that we all now have three choices just as we once had when many of us fought beside Spartacus for our very own freedom. One is to fight, the only way we know how to fight now-- with all our grand and wonderful spiritual abilities aquired over so many lifetimes. The second is to die, which many are now choosing to do and so many more will also quickly decide to do--not understanding that dying frees no one from their responsibility to life, to others,and to Creation in and of Itself. The third choice is to choose slavery or not to make a choice which then is choosing slavery, that which most of us already are and will be for a long time to come if this war is not quickly and successfully ended. Will's channeling of Aristenna this morning only serves to reiterate for all of us the fact that these are the only three choices we have, and now is our last chance to choose: Dear One, The most important thing for you to know now is that your connection to us is real. You do not understand how this is so, nevertheless you must have faith. As we have said before, anyone could channel if they would drop the programming and misinformation that has been spread in your culture for a long time. Some are unwilling to do this, yet they long for the truth. Just a few layers under all the misinformation is the truth and with a bit of open-mindedness is available to all. It is a choice to start digging for this truth and all preconceptions must be open to question in order to see what is right in front of you, but invisible to 3D comprehension with the blinders put on you through the ages. If you truly understood the enormity of the choice you make to go forward in your quest for freedom you would always make the right choice because the alternative is too horrible to contemplate. In your ignorance, however, you only get partial glimpses of what you are doing and how going about business as usual is feeding into the plan of those who would be your masters. Daily life as usual seems more secure than a radical step in another direction with no certainty as to where that will lead, but we assure you that when you are following your guidance that is the only 'safe' road. The only option to imprisonment, slavery and death is to choose, freedom, love and life. The way to achieve that is to take off the blinders put on you by your so-called authorities and take on the vision of your guidance as you feel it in your heart and know it in your mind. Clear yourself of all other preconceptions and move on. Focus on that which is the highest for you and choose that. Fight the distractions that take you away from the highest path. The time to be a single-minded server is here. Choose wisely. With great love, Aristenna ********* Peace, Love and Joy to all, Will A number of months ago Silvia in Italy was given the prompt to move out of the circumstances she was in, and now months later she was one of the first I was asked to contact with the message that for her the time was NOW. The next day I received this reply: "It ?s amazing what you write, Peter cause in this precise days I get precise signals that I have to leave both from my job place and from my home. One couple of days ago I dreamt of all people around me killed by a Mafia boss. Don't know where to go yet. I'll ask my guide tonight, thank you silvia For Silvia it is a matter of her very life to be able to move at this time. For the rest of us not to choose is a matter of which slave camp we will interned in as this final battle comes to a head. A number of people I have dealt with lately have wisely stored away their supplies for what is shortly to come. For some these supplies will do no good because their spiritual choices do not match their physical choices. One will not suffice without the other. All there things will be stripped from them as they are led along the path they have chosen to think only of themselves and never of any others. You have been warned. This is the year of serious spiritual battle, and yes you can choose to listen to the prophets of the New Age who work for the Darkness itself, or you can listen to your own heart that tells you there is something very wrong with what is going on --and then act upon that knowingness, not for yourself, for everything you are here to do is to help others, and therein you will find your own salvation. You are always dearly and grandly loved no matter what choice you make or not make, but there will be for you no more time to choose. The Spiritual Hierachy through Peter. 2006-01-14 |